dri22 Member


  • i too just purchased a Polar H-7 and had for a few days all three apps linked and was getting doubling up of activities... i then i broke my digifit - fitbit link today... but lost my sleep and aria scale data that was being sent to the digifit site via fitbit. i think you are on to something here..... i i break the link…
  • wow! i am totally blown away. you look amazing!!! you must feel amazing!! its crazy how much younger you look congratulations!!
  • i love to drink wine, but not when i am watching my calories,, so when i am not drinking with friends, i usually get my "drink" from the bar myself. i get sparkling water and i ask for a red wine glass. somehow it feels better to me to be holding a wine glass in a social situation regardless of what is in it. then after my…
  • can someone explain gross and net, i should know this... on my fitness pal i set my goal calories to 1200. after burning 1000 in exercise, and eating 664 calls, i get 1536 cals remaining to eat for the day. on my fitbit program, it does not factor in my exercise burned, and says for the same info, i have 536 cals left to…