I have lost 80 pounds then plateau for the longest time, stuck to 1200 calories worked my tail off. I started in 2011 to diet, finally about 7 weeks ago I started phentermine and I've lost 32 pounds with Lean MD. I'm now at 115 or so. I've always had to eat less and exercise. I just think once you gained the weigh, losing…
You can google it yourself, not that hard to find
sorry for the typos lol geeze:ohwell:
A diet coke
Ok thanks
I wouldn't be able to stand the headaches
No, can't drop out and no refunds even for missed days. I do like to changes things up but it's $240 for 6 weeks and I already throw so muhc money at the gym is crazy
I do intense workouts and training for a marathon. I eat no sugar and 2 ounces of vegetable pasta a day. The rest is protein, 2 apples and vegetables. It took about 2-3 weeks for my body to balance out and I was wiped at workouts but now I'm fine. I just pushed myself to 12 minute miles and Im very pleased with myself
yes, I don't wanna go over 500 caloriies. No rice and I;m worrie about the sodium. Good idea about the sauce
In three days I;ve had 3 Diet cokes, caffeine free!!!! Phew. I just want it and not having the cosntant injection of caffeine is killing my head
I think giving up diet coke will be hard. It's like my friend lol but I also notice it makes me hungry. I'm allergic to almost all fruit but thinking about flavored water or sparkling water
I'm giving it up because I think it makes me hungry & I don't like that I'm addicted to something.
thank you!!! I'm so excited
stop eating sugar or anything that the body thinks is sugar, such as Coke Zero. You're body will lose the craving. Just don't cheat or uyou have to start all over again. Be strong.
I lost 100 lbs and need to lose 70 Lbs. It's rough be we can do it
I'm devoted
protein, protein and more protein. I only eat 1/2 cup of corn pasta for my carbs at dinner. I have no appetite. The newest research out says eating many small meals a day is not as great as everyting thinks it is. May wanna do a little research and see if mauybe that is not the best way for you.
I look at myself and think "dang according to charts, I need to lose another 70lbs to be the correct weight and BMI" serisously? is seems off
Yea, run club may be too much and I really have to push myself to keep up. Thank you!!!
I tried the mornings for about 2 weeks, hated it. Went back to evenings.
I';ve lost close to 100lbs and I stick to a 1200 calories diet. I started in the neew year of 2011. Plateaued, took some time off, now stqrrting at 1200 calroes again. I have tried EVERYTHING and this is what works for me even those though get on me about it being too low, but I do what I gotta do that works.
You have to be really sick of being fat and out of shape. Can't rely on others to help you, motivate you or deter you. I know after losing close to 100 lbs that losing weight is a slefilsh act. YOU MUST BE SELFISH. Think about yourself and what you really want. It's your body, your life and if YOU want it bad enough you…
Working out in the evening is fine. The gym is actually packed in the evening hours, not in the morning. Not many people can get up in the wee hours and work out,. I know I can't.. Running is the best cardio (if a person can handle it physically) out there. I'm sure with the tapes you're doing some sort of strength…
Not me!!!! I have to get on the scale every day to see how I progress. Someone talked me into putting my scale away. I did for like 9 months and I gained weight. Biggest diet mistake I ever made. UG. There is nothng wrong with keeping onself in check. I don't let the scale or anything ele control my mood. Life is too short…
After 60 lbs, I hit one hard. Lasted nearly a year and I just maintained. I had to totally change my workout and started running. Now I'm up to 90lbs and counting. It was the worst.
In a health magazine I got, it actually talked about smoking and how it increased metabolism. it was like a pro-smoking article for losing weight. Unbeleivable. It wasn't even an advertsiement. SHM....... so your metalobilsm is probably freaking and used to the rush of the smoke/ Also don't fo under 1200 calories without…
I don't really understand how these diets will help keep the weight off. All these packages and processed food. I think you are better off saving your money and finding a diet you can make at home that is fresh. but that's just my opinion. I;ve lost 70 lbs and plateaued numerous times, never gained more then 6 lbs back…
I personally think so. I couldn't lose to save my life.
I eat salad twice a day. I just hit 70lbs weight loss