Thank you! I'm going to try to start an eating schedule sort of like yours. I've been able to eat at 1900 so far this October. Hoping I can keep it up!
Right now I'm just doing what I planned for myself with the help of research but the lifting is not the problem its getting enough calories.
Thankful for both of your opinions!
I'm very thankful for both of your inputs. As I feel both of you brought great ideas to help me. Thanks
Thank you! I'm trying to slowly bulk so I don't gain to much fat.
Thank you for the advice!
Thank you for the advice. Trying to add muscle to my legs and gluts. There small to me I would like them to be bigger before next summer. Not in a hurry just trying to start now.
Thank you all this advice is really helpful!
Thank you for the advice. Trying to build my legs and gluts. I don't like how small they are.
Thank you this was really helpful!!
That's what I'm trying to do is a slow bulk so I dont gain so much fat in the wrong places. Its the eating more that's hard and I don't know if eating more carbs is okay to.
Thanks I'm going to look into that. That might be the problem!!
I actual don't follow a program I kinda just wing it at the gym when it comes to my lifting. But I do lift. I do squats and lunges to. Thanks for all the advice everyone!!
I work really hard I've even had like no fat on my stomach at one time but thought I looked to skinny. It's the hardest thing I've had to try to do.
How much water do you drink? I try to drink a gallon of water a day. It keeps me from feeling hungry. Water is an important part of weight loss and just your overall health in general!!
I'm bulking because I want a bigger butt lol I want to look a certain way and I thinking bulking and cutting will get that for me!
Thanks Amad! That is great information going to use it and hope to get the body I want! Thanks cmeirun I'm going to look into it!
Thanks that's great advice. So 3 months would be good. I'm trying to eat 2600 calories or more everyday. I'm also trying to eat as clean as possible. What type of exercise do you guys do?
Love the results! Looking Fab!
Wow! This is so amazing! Awesome job! You look Fab!
You look great!
Awesome job!
Awesome job! You look amazing! Keep pushing!
How I look in my clothes!
Wow this is amazing great job!
That is so awesome that you are able to share something that was a very down part of your life and have made it something inspiring. Great job hun!
Wow! Great Job!
It works for me but everyone is different. I eat more carbs then I should but I eat healthy carbs
Not focusing on losing weight just building muscle specially in my booty lol
I eat them almost everyday with peanut butter its my favorite snack!