

  • It sounds like a bit of a serious talking to yourself to make yourself do it works for some of you, I think I need to just push as you say. Onwards we go I guess, the only way is to keep trying :)
  • Hi, I am a primary school teacher (in the UK) and in my second year of teaching. I know exactly what you mean about trying to stick to healthy eating when you are at school. Its not a job that you can head out and walk/run during your lunch hour etc in which I struggle with. I am still learning to be honest!
  • Thanks for all of these, a great deal of variety which gives me some varied options - thank you everyone! I am going to try a mix of these for the next few weeks to see what works- and try to balance my protein intake a bit more as I am often short by the end of the day. Love all of the egg recipes, smoothie ideas and…
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