

  • AWESOME JOB!!!! Way to stay motivated! It takes a lot of tweaking in our lifestyles before we figure out what clicks and works! You look amazing and healthy!!
  • I have found my husband to be most attracted to me when I'm happy with myself. After having my baby girl last October, I felt horrible about my body. He was super supportive but you could tell he was feeling how I was feeling. I've been feeling fantastic about myself the last few days and I can tell it's rubbed off on him.…
  • SODA STREAM!!! That has been my LIFE SAVER! I LOVED diet coke. Addicted! My husband bought a Soda Stream, which carbonates pure water. You can add whatever type of 'flavoring' you like. We actually just add a bit of lemon or lime juice to the carbonated water. No artificial anythings! I haven't had soda in a few months…
  • I feel sometimes I have to take a step back from myself when around people. I worked 7 years in customer service and used to be capable of 'selling ice to an Eskimo' but now I find it hard to say just the right thing, or how to hold myself back when I'm talking too much. I never thought I'd become antisocial.
  • According to my husband, "aunt" and "Italian" I say funny :/ I say "aunt" how it's spelled, and supposed to be pronounced (not like the bug, 'ant') And "Italian" I say with a short 'i' instead of EYEtalian. He makes fun of me >:(
  • Totally true. My poor husband lol. He comes home from work at the end of the day and I just don't shut up! I have no one to talk to during the day, other than 'goo goo ga ga' to my 4 month old. I found myself speaking 'parentese' to an AT&T rep a few weeks ago :O I have friends who think all I do is sit at home all day…
  • hahahahaha!!! I love it :P I'm curious to see what my 4 month old will pick up. We try to avoid cursing but sometimes it slips. I was raised around a very vulgar group and I'm fairly sensitive with my language, so I don't think it will ruin any children if they are around it :P
  • You look FANTASTIC!!!!!!! Awesome job!!!!!
  • " I promise you, the reward at the end is far tastier than your temptation." - spot on!! A week ago I avoided a food binge by telling myself similar. A moment on the lips, forever on the hips! While food may taste awesome now, overdoing it will make those few minutes it took to eat it turn into weeks to get rid of it. Not…
  • Same here! I can do the 'advanced' with the legs but not the abs or arms!
  • Today was day 4 for me (I'm going to do 3 days on, 1 day off, 3 days on, 1 day off, etc) It's intense. I can tell my body LOVES it already. I couldn't walk after the first day. But I feel more firm head to toe. Using muscles I haven't really been able to work on. It also helped boost my weight loss. I'm down 2lbs already…
  • I charted my cycles for years. I never used any form to predict ovulation other than the center of my cycle. My husband and I started really trying August of 2009 when we got married. We tried for a week around the time I assumed I was ovulating (I had 32-35 day cycles, so we were trying between days 15 and 20) Nothing…
  • Sounds like an allergy to the ink. I've never had any issues with any of mine after having them done. Just the peeling in the first few weeks.
  • Me at my heaviest October 2011 - 205.4lbs January 2012 166lbs Tummy pic of me at my heaviest October 2011 Current February 2012 156lbs
  • I'm looking to lose anywhere from 15-25lbs. I've already lost close to 50lbs. I'm trying to gain muscle at the same time as losing this weight.
  • I always feel completely disappointed in myself if I overdo it. And when I overdo it, I OVERDO it. Like instead of eating 3 cookies like the bag says as a serving, I'd eat the WHOLE BAG, in one sitting. I can still do that and it's sad. Very horrible habit. I actually talked myself out of a binge the other night by…
  • Awesome!!!!! You look great! Keep it going! I always make sure to use the same outfit in my photos, really helps you see the difference better than anything!
  • I am 5'3'' and my goal weight is 135lbs (well, initial goal - I would love to see 120lbs, even 115lbs, but that will come later once I drop the rest of my baby weight :/) According to my height, I can weigh between 104 and 141lbs. Currently I'm 156.5 (started at 205.4!)
  • The only time I ever weighed more was while pregnant. He's been catching up to me, though! Proud of hubby for losing some weight :P
  • Movie theater parking garage. Not really bizarre, but it works :P
  • Since I've been married/with my husband (married to him going on 3 years, together going on 8) The longest we've had to go without was 3 months, and only because of giving birth to my daughter (yes, we had fun right up to the day I went into labor :P ). I felt horrible about myself after delivery. All better now :P
  • wtg! great job getting back to it :P
  • I worked in a Meat Department for 7 years. 6 of those I was the only female in my department - I was called 'sir' a lot :/ Oddly, I can tolerate the smell of rotting dead decomposing flesh over the smell of my 4 month old's diapers.
  • I'm in the absolute silence of my office right now. My 4 month old is sound asleep in the next room and I dare not make a single sound. I even have a washcloth over my mouse so the clicks are muffled :/ lol
  • This morning was my first morning waking up early to get to the gym. I found that getting everything ready the night before made it easier on me. All I had to do was roll out of bed and slip into the clothes I laid out (although I technically could have gone in my PJ's even). No thinking involved. Gotta just do it! The…
  • I was an apple after having baby there for a while. Back to my Hourglass shape again :P
  • I'm addicted to electronics. Last year, right before hubby's and my annual trip to Hawaii, I had a dream that our plane crashed in the ocean on the way there. In my dream I was devastated that my laptop got wet :/ Screw the fact that people probably died in my dream, or that we were stranded in the middle of the ocean. My…
  • I hate when people can see my diary because I know I won't like what they have to say lol. However, it's YOUR food diary, YOUR meals, YOUR weight, etc. I just take comments about what I eat with a grain of salt. Some I take as helpful and use the advice, others I just store them in the back of my mind in case I feel the…
  • I've also had friends who were back to their pre-preg bodies in a couple weeks. I dislike those friends lol. I'm closer to what I looked like before, but some things will never be the same (ie STRETCH MARKS) I don't even care about those. It's the weight I want gone. I have never been overweight really so it's really…