keyserp Member


  • [The intent of this reply is motivational. It is not intended to "preach". You've posted a question, this is my reply and how I talk to myself to modify behaviors I no longer need in my life.] In my mind... everything is a matter of perspective. - Where are you? - Where do you want to be? - How are you going to get there?…
    in Rewards Comment by keyserp July 2012
  • This is not a lecture - it is a caution: An insight I've (unintentionally) gained... which is why I am quoting you... "Don't eat your exercise." Me: Guilty as charged. I'd burn " X " amount of calories working out and then eat it right back. I have the same goals as most everyone here has posted, I could not understand why…
  • My two cents: You are not bragging you are asking the community for information and feedback. As you have seen, some of it is not as content-rich as others. Perspective: You did not go to bed last night weighing 100lbs and when you awoke weighed 200lbs. It went on slow, so take it off slow. Healthy foods, better choices...…
  • I got mine a few days ago and I LOVE IT. I was apprehensive at first especially at a 100 bucks, but my "inner geek" got the best of me. My wife wants one now also. It's a devious little creature... handing out "rewards" for keeping yourself on track, but that's the entire point. Think of it as your own personal trainer -…
  • Natural popcorn... fruit.. rice cakes... Odwalla or Naked Juice drink... water.