eating 1000 cal and feeling great



  • BUMP
  • I admire your courage to even ask for opinions after reading some of the replys back. Best of luck to you. I would however suggest going to NIH or the Mayo Clinic web site if you want to learn more about nutrition over Wickipedia.
  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    Ok, so different strokes for different folks, heres a link to some of the side effects of crash dieting.

    It has been shown in numerous studies that yes, you can crash the weight off but it doesn't stay gone except for a very dedicated small percentage. And each crash diet increases the corresponding risks.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    I don't think this site would ever put you below 1200 calories or any Dr. for that matter.

    Plenty of commercial diets are well below 1200 calories. The key is to eat enough protein to avoid muscle loss, especially as the heart is a muscle. Google "protein sparing modified fast" and have happy reading.

    Here's an example of dieting at 800 calories for 8 weeks using medically approved protocols

    Here's a commercial example
    which says in a footnote
    "If they wish to follow a VLCD programme (Step 1 below 800kcal), they may do so for a maximum of 12 weeks at a time. After the 12th week the customer should move up to 810kcal (Step 2), for at least 1 week. If they still have weight to lose and their BMI is suitable, they may resume a VLCD programme for a further 12 weeks."

  • thistimeismytime
    thistimeismytime Posts: 711 Member
    Good GRIEF you guys are MEAN!!! omg, I would be TERRIFIED to ever ask a question on this forum! Surely there's a way to express that we disagree with the OP without degrading her and half the other people who've posted replies. She's a HUMAN BEING, guys. Come on!! I don't like the idea of such a low cal diet either but there are more important things in the world, like treating each other with dignity and respect. Sad, sad behavior :/
  • raqufern
    raqufern Posts: 794 Member
    Good GRIEF you guys are MEAN!!! omg, I would be TERRIFIED to ever ask a question on this forum! Surely there's a way to express that we disagree with the OP without degrading her and half the other people who've posted replies. She's a HUMAN BEING, guys. Come on!! I don't like the idea of such a low cal diet either but there are more important things in the world, like treating each other with dignity and respect. Sad, sad behavior :/

    I completely agree with you! When I started this site, I did it because I had no clue what to do to loose weight the healthy way. I have learned so much since then and I just feel that if i would have ever gotten the replies she is getting I would have felt like just giving up! I thought we were suppossed to support each other....and before any one says anything, NO I am not supporting that she eat 100o calories a day, but I can tell you that I was there when I started as well. I didnt feel hungry so I was always under...I know understand that my body needs more, but it takes time to learn. At least try and make your disagreement responses less she wont want to post here again....very sad!
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member

    that's a content farm, of no credible standing. Find us a better reference please.
  • crazytreelady
    crazytreelady Posts: 752 Member
    Scratch that, I'm not putting my two cents in.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,144 Member
    Reminds me of the movie papillon where Steve Mc'queen sticks his head out of his cell and says " How do I look, I feel pretty good"
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    VLCDs have their place.... and that's among the morbidly obese. They have enough excess body fat to fuel a large calorie deficit.

    The OP isn't morbidly obese. She's barely even overweight. She doesn't have very much to lose, and doesn't have a large amount of body fat for her body to pull energy from.

    She will have much better success in every way if she sets her calorie goal to lose one pound a week for now, eats most of her exercise calories, then when she's within 10-15 pounds of her goals, switches to lose a half pound a week.
  • petreebird
    petreebird Posts: 344 Member
    I have been there, WAY under calories and not hungry. I was anorexic for a number of years then bulimia started. I have battled them both for the last almost 20 years although I am doing very well now.

    One thing that I can say, an anorexic will tell you, and it is true most of the time, that they are not hungry and that they don't need to eat if they aren't hungry. Many times they are lying and fighting the hunger is empowering....but eventually, the body adjusts and the hunger diminishes.

    Should they listen to their own bodies? Is it different for them? At what point is the line drawn?
  • keyserp
    keyserp Posts: 5 Member
    My two cents: You are not bragging you are asking the community for information and feedback. As you have seen, some of it is not as content-rich as others.

    Perspective: You did not go to bed last night weighing 100lbs and when you awoke weighed 200lbs. It went on slow, so take it off slow. Healthy foods, better choices... an apple instead of a candy bar. You said you are eating tons of veggies and several meals a day. From what I have read - that seems like a very sound approach. Increased physical activity, that too is a very good approach.

    I don't know very much about nutrition but from what I am learning, as others have encouraged about eating more protein I would also. Sprouts... all the bloody protein you could want, roughage thrown in for free - and almost no calories. Learn to love them as much as they love you - 12oz = 12g of protein for 120 calories.

    Keep on your path, but as many friends have suggested spending the money on nutritional advice is much cheaper than spending the money on medical cure. As Jillian said on one episode of "The Biggest Loser" - food is medicine. If you eat the right food. Research your foods... your body will let you know if you're doing it right.

  • Yes!!! eat more, your body needs it :-) I am certified in fitness and nutrition and your body will eat your own muscle and you will pay for it later in life, beleive me!!!! If you want to know more just ask, I don't want to overwhelm you. Best of luck to ya :-)
  • whats the differrence please?
  • amy_marlene
    amy_marlene Posts: 178 Member
    first of all i want to thank all the people who are not being rude and mean and those who gave me advices and shared their storys with me.
    and for the people who are being rude and mean this is what i have to say - i'm very happy person. i have good parents,i have long - term boyfriend and supportive friends. also i'm a college student and i'm having lots of fun. and most important - i'm very happy with my life. i'm not frustrated with anything. but if you are - don't express your rage on me. i haven't done anything to you and if you think i'll get ill or something okay but remember i'll get ill-not there is no need for you to be so rude to me.
    oh and we're not all the same - something that is working for you doesn't mean it's going to work for me.
    i rest my case.
  • thistimeismytime
    thistimeismytime Posts: 711 Member
    first of all i want to thank all the people who are not being rude and mean and those who gave me advices and shared their storys with me.
    and for the people who are being rude and mean this is what i have to say - i'm very happy person. i have good parents,i have long - term boyfriend and supportive friends. also i'm a college student and i'm having lots of fun. and most important - i'm very happy with my life. i'm not frustrated with anything. but if you are - don't express your rage on me. i haven't done anything to you and if you think i'll get ill or something okay but remember i'll get ill-not there is no need for you to be so rude to me.
    oh and we're not all the same - something that is working for you doesn't mean it's going to work for me.
    i rest my case.

    You are right, it is certainly your body and your decision what to do with it. While I don't think that you'll get the results you want with the very low-cal approach, I am really saddened by all the abuse you've had to take just because you asked a question. Please accept my apology on behalf of those of us who disagree with you, but respect your choices and respect you as a person. Good luck on your journey, and I truly wish you all the best :)
  • Sapporo
    Sapporo Posts: 693 Member
    first of all i want to thank all the people who are not being rude and mean and those who gave me advices and shared their storys with me.
    and for the people who are being rude and mean this is what i have to say - i'm very happy person. i have good parents,i have long - term boyfriend and supportive friends. also i'm a college student and i'm having lots of fun. and most important - i'm very happy with my life. i'm not frustrated with anything. but if you are - don't express your rage on me. i haven't done anything to you and if you think i'll get ill or something okay but remember i'll get ill-not there is no need for you to be so rude to me.
    oh and we're not all the same - something that is working for you doesn't mean it's going to work for me.
    i rest my case.

    So are you going to try increasing your calories? I think I saw you reply to someone saying you might try that.
  • sweet110
    sweet110 Posts: 332 Member
    Well, you asked for advice. Whether they said it in a nice way or a mean way, almost everyone said it was a bad idea. want to do it anyway, because you are happy and feel great.

    Were you really asking for advice? Or unmitigated encouragement? No one here is going to encourage your way of eating.

    If you're really interested in long term success, I'd encourage you to read up on long-term management of binge eating disorder.

    You're young. I'm sure you'll figure it out eventually. But its your choice as to how much of your life you want to spend struggling with your weight.
  • musclemakermaros
    musclemakermaros Posts: 6 Member
    Honestly, for everyone who is berating her for her calorie intake, you need to get the facts before telling her what and what not to do. If she feels full and is recieving sufficent amounts of neccessary nutrients, she is not harming herself. Depending on personal bmi ratios, her body could simply be using excess fat for fuel rather than food if she has already over come the first stages of hunger. That being said, she is speeding up her weightloss progress. Granted, for any individual at a healthy weight or bmi, this can lead to a dangerously low bmi or being under-weight, however, if her body has the excess to burn- it will burn it and be fine. Also, for individuals who believe this will train her body to gain wieght anytime she eats more than the thousand calories, that's a misconception because her body will simply burn those extra calories rather than burning the excess food sources that lies hidden all over our bodies.

    The verbal abuse that the young lady had to face because of her simple question is frankly embarrassing. The whole idea of this website is to reach out towards others and provide them support through a friendly community. If a user posts something that you don't feel is correct, by all means put your two cents in, however do it a respectable matter. Constructive critism is one thing, being outright nasty is another.
  • Lyra89
    Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
    Hehe...I feel hungry on 2000 calories, let alone half that! :) NEVER dip below 1200 calories...this feeling wont last long and you will run yourself into the ground and binge, trust me, been there done that too many times before! I never go below 1500 and I find that I sustain weightloss with that.
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