eating 1000 cal and feeling great



  • ashleab37
    ashleab37 Posts: 575 Member
    so how much weight are you losing on a 1000 cals?
    i've started 2 weeks ago. i've lost 4,4 lbs so far
    No wonder you're not hungry. Your body is still in shock mode from a huge diet change. Give it another week or so and you'll get hungry, and eventually sick. Up your calories soon, please.
  • ashleab37
    ashleab37 Posts: 575 Member
    oh and one more thing.
    i have a binge eating disorder since i was 12.
    so i don't have any eating habits. the only habit i have is overeating all the time.
    so for me this is a lifestyle change.because i don't know how to eat 'normal'.
    So why would you try to teach yourself another terrible habit instead of a brand new good one?

    Everybody is here to help, why can't you take it?
  • AReasor
    AReasor Posts: 355 Member
    OOOooo did someone bring popcorn?
  • MyTimeMyYear
    MyTimeMyYear Posts: 12 Member
    According to my personal trainer you need more calories....your body will go into starvation mode and start destroying muscle.....I have been going through the same thing not being hungry, but you have to try and get at least 1200 calories......
  • MyTimeMyYear
    MyTimeMyYear Posts: 12 Member
    Some of the rude and arrogant comments on here absolute disgust me. This is why I rarely post on forums, because I feel that some people project their anger on the OP and use destructive comments to tear down the original post. OP, I have struggled with anorexia, bulimia, binging, and purging, and for the past year I ate 600 calories a day, then 5000, and I stayed the same weight for a year ..I lost 90 lbs but couldn't lose any more. 25 days ago, I told myself NO MORE. I said no matter what I'd force myself to eat between1200-1500 calories, and exercise my butt off. I have now lost 11 lbs in 25 days, and I FEEL GREAT. I know its tempting to only eat 1000 calories, I get it, I'VE BEEN THERE. But start training yourself to eat 1200 at least and drinking at least 12 glasses of water a day. Yesterday I ate 2 candy bars and thought for sure I'd gain weight because I didn't do any exercise at all, GUESS WHAT..I STAYED THE SAME WEIGHT. I have struggled with eating disorders all my life. I was 5'10 and 110 lbs once, then I balloned up to 330 and started losing the weight when I went into diabetic shock and got diabetes. I'm not 223, and I want to be at a healthy 170. Sometimes when I feel full, I have to fight myself and tell myself that I"m feeding my body and it needs these calories. The weight loss has been steady.

    OP, I can only suggest what I think, At the end of the day, you will do what you feel is right. But I want to encourage you to try to up your calories more. But you know your body and you know how you feel. So listen to yourself. But if you do every finding yourself feeling hunger, don't be afraid to reach for some healthy clean foods.

    Let me now if you have any questions, you can check my diaries too if you want they are public :)

    Well said!
  • AReasor
    AReasor Posts: 355 Member
    I would love to see a frequently asked questions section for this site. That way questions like this one, what does bump mean, how to post pictures, eating back exercise calories, etc. could have a permanent home.

    Just a thought.:flowerforyou:
  • amy_marlene
    amy_marlene Posts: 178 Member
    I think it doesn't hurt to eat so lightly for awhile. I think doing that as a lifestyle would not be good but for the short term it won't kill you.
    I firmly believe most of us are in the bad habit of eating too much (duh, right?) but we are so used to overstuffing our faces that leaning a bit the other way won't kill us.
    If you were 5'6" and 90 lbs I'd worry that you had food/body image issues. But you are healthy and just aren't hungry! That's natural. Thin people eat a lot sometimes, eat the "right amount" sometimes, and sometimes eat too little. It averages out to eating the right amount. I think you are just learning to listen to your body.
    If you do this for more than a week, pay attention to getting enough fruit, veggies, protein, etc. But I am against "forcing" someone to eat more if they don't feel hungry UNLESS they have an eating disorder.
    Good luck and take care of yourself.
    THANK YOU ! :))
  • katiew00t
    katiew00t Posts: 164
    eat more calorie dense foods, like nut butters, avocado, nuts & seeds, healthy oils, dried fruit, granola, & fruit juices, to up your calories. i wouldn't eat less than a NET of 1200.
  • amy_marlene
    amy_marlene Posts: 178 Member
    Some of the rude and arrogant comments on here absolute disgust me. This is why I rarely post on forums, because I feel that some people project their anger on the OP and use destructive comments to tear down the original post. OP, I have struggled with anorexia, bulimia, binging, and purging, and for the past year I ate 600 calories a day, then 5000, and I stayed the same weight for a year ..I lost 90 lbs but couldn't lose any more. 25 days ago, I told myself NO MORE. I said no matter what I'd force myself to eat between1200-1500 calories, and exercise my butt off. I have now lost 11 lbs in 25 days, and I FEEL GREAT. I know its tempting to only eat 1000 calories, I get it, I'VE BEEN THERE. But start training yourself to eat 1200 at least and drinking at least 12 glasses of water a day. Yesterday I ate 2 candy bars and thought for sure I'd gain weight because I didn't do any exercise at all, GUESS WHAT..I STAYED THE SAME WEIGHT. I have struggled with eating disorders all my life. I was 5'10 and 110 lbs once, then I balloned up to 330 and started losing the weight when I went into diabetic shock and got diabetes. I'm not 223, and I want to be at a healthy 170. Sometimes when I feel full, I have to fight myself and tell myself that I"m feeding my body and it needs these calories. The weight loss has been steady.

    OP, I can only suggest what I think, At the end of the day, you will do what you feel is right. But I want to encourage you to try to up your calories more. But you know your body and you know how you feel. So listen to yourself. But if you do every finding yourself feeling hunger, don't be afraid to reach for some healthy clean foods.

    Let me now if you have any questions, you can check my diaries too if you want they are public :)
    THANK YOU ! :))
  • Katwilkins
    Katwilkins Posts: 39 Member
    :flowerforyou: I decreased my calories to 1000 also and I am rarely hungry, I am only 5'1" and I noticed on MFP no matter how short I told it I was it would not decrease my calories lower than 120:drinker: 0. I think 1000 calories are fine as long as you are making sure you are eating healthy foods and a vitamin couldn't hurt. Even at 1000 calories MFP says I can't loose more than about 1.7 pounds a week:sad: . In order to loose 2 pounds a week it said I could only have 800 calories a day, but that's too low for me to function. I also did not include my activities, because even when I exercise, I don't seem to loose more weigh:smooched: t. I am averaging about 1.6 pounds a week on 1000 calories. How tall are you?
  • Nataliethin81
    You may lose the weight quickly but you will gain it all back faster then you lost it. You're putting your body into starvation mode. If you want to lose weight the healthy way, you have to be patient. It takes time. Do it the healthy way or you will majorly regret it.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Are you doing 30 minutes of cardio at one time? I do 30 minutes every day but break it up in intervals. Like, morning - 10 min, Noon - 10 minutes, Evening - 10 min. Just make sure you get your protein and plenty of water after each exercise. If you eat "super foods" like eggs and yogurt and celery, they will help boost your metabolism and are very low calorie.

    Remember to drink plenty of water!!!

    Sometimes I don't reach 1200 calories but I listen to my body. If it says I'm hungry, I'll eat. I'm not gonna force food down my throat just to reach some number.

    Listen to YOUR body. Not what everyone else tells you.
    Terrible advice. Your body adjusts to what your brain tells it. You can decide to only eat a head of lettuce a day, and your body would adjust to it and accept it. You die of malnutrition and starvation, but hey, you're listening to your body, right?

    You have a BRAIN for a reason. The brain controls the body, the body doesn't control the brain.
  • kitujainen
    kitujainen Posts: 143 Member
    I've already pretty much eaten 1000 calories before afternoon, so for me I'd be hungry all day. But there are fibre and chromium tablets for sweet control i could eat those.
    Whoa that reminds me theres pizza for dinner so I'll be around or over 2000 calories today at least!
    can't imagine what the 300 calorie hgc diets are like..
  • Katwilkins
    Katwilkins Posts: 39 Member
    Just saw your height is 5'6" sorry you need more calories, if you try to go to low you may be setting yourself up to fail, because pretty soon you will get hungry, and then you might binge, it's better to be consistent, I would say see what my fitness pal suggests and then you can decrease that by 100 to 200 calories but you shouldn't do more, or you might find yourself relying on unhealthy ways to keep going to high caffeine energy drinks or other worse means. You can loose the weight, but if you want it to last, make a lifestyle change you can maintain the rest of your life.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Listen to YOUR body.

    I hate this advice, and I'll tell you why.

    I "listened to my body" when I was about 26 years old and had just split with my boyfriend. I only ate when I was hungry. I wasn't dieting. My weight wasn't on my radar at all. And I went down to a frightening 102 pounds at 5'5. I was wearing clothes from the children's department.

    I "listened to my body" when I was about 36-37 and my parents died. I only ate when I was hungry. But this time around, "when I was hungry" was a lot more frequently. And I went up to a rather chunky (for me) 160 pounds at 5'5.

    My body is stupid. I don't listen to it any more.
  • spriite
    spriite Posts: 3
    My opinion is this, as i have done a diet like this before and what I'm kind of doing right now. Since you're only 2 weeks in that's great. Your body hasn't changed it's metabolism yet.. As soon as you start to feel hungry though, you should listen to your body and eat. As you workout more your body will need more energy. If you're paying attention you'll be able to figure it out. You also have to keep eating every 3-4 hours.. Even if you aren't actually feeling hungry. Protein, and quite a bit of it is essential because if you don't get enough. Your body starts to pull from your muscles, I like to do shakes, or eat black beans, and I stick to pretty much chicken. That's my opinion. To get good results you shouldn't sustain it.
  • amy_marlene
    amy_marlene Posts: 178 Member
    :flowerforyou: I decreased my calories to 1000 also and I am rarely hungry, I am only 5'1" and I noticed on MFP no matter how short I told it I was it would not decrease my calories lower than 120:drinker: 0. I think 1000 calories are fine as long as you are making sure you are eating healthy foods and a vitamin couldn't hurt. Even at 1000 calories MFP says I can't loose more than about 1.7 pounds a week:sad: . In order to loose 2 pounds a week it said I could only have 800 calories a day, but that's too low for me to function. I also did not include my activities, because even when I exercise, I don't seem to loose more weigh:smooched: t. I am averaging about 1.6 pounds a week on 1000 calories. How tall are you?
    1.6 lbs per week is awesome :)) if i may ask how long have you been losing weight ?
    i'm 5'5
  • huntindawg1962
    huntindawg1962 Posts: 277 Member
    OP - Good luck on your continued journey. After reading the responses and other threads the best I can add after a couple months on these boards reading the threads is:

    - You need to make your own choices based on what you see results you are happy with. If it is working for you that is all you can hope for. (One might consider that going from binge eating at one point in your life to extreme fasting diets still may be evidence of compulsive behavior over a greater time span but that is yours solely to decide.)

    - Nobody on this board is really a weight loss authority. Too, MFP is hardly the place to get sound nutritional advice as most people posting have not been at it all that long nor has "studied" anything close to weight loss science. It is a great place to stay motivated and use the daily tracking tools - the boards are just anecdotal support at best and a place to potentially share your NSV's (as you know - not all are celebrated with you). But lots of us are very experienced at weight loss as we are so good and experienced at it, heck, some of us have done it several times in our lives (its just SOOOO much fun we tend to repeat it and have all the weight loss answers).

    - Lots of people have written "eBooks" only available on the internet but have never seen the top of a publishers desk. You will see them cited on here all the time as "scientific evidence." You can only buy them online and they also are potentially not well researched nor backed by verified science.

    - The responses for the above 2 points will be, at best. anecdotal or just something regurgitated from someone else's anecdotal claims. Or they will cite some other unscientific body of evidence.

    - Everybody on MFP that has never met you before already knows your problems and your true nutritional needs based on the limited information that anyone shares. Pretty good diagnostics I have to say. Especially since they are on here working their own journey because they did not recognize their own problems.

    -People proclaiming to be "certified personal trainers" don't necessarily mean that they have any real scholarly training on human body sciences. I have had one trainer myself that his claim to being a "trainer" is that he was in the marines and worked out a lot but passed this national chain's certification tests.

    And then there are those that claim to you that you will plateau in starvation at < 1000 calories - remind them that they too likely hit or will hit plateau's at 1500, 1700 or 2000 or whatever. The threads on here are full of people eating in the "MFP boards accepted" manner and still plateauing for months at a time, failing to lose weight, or even gaining weight in alleged deficit. Some say calories don't matter, others tell you it is the kind of calories you eat (a calorie is a calorie???) Some tell you don't eat carbs, others tell you eat lots of carbs. Apples is a simple carb / apples are a complex carb. Avoid carbs - increase carbs.

    You know the drill. We all know what your body needs are already! And we already see your failure now (but not our own). Oh - and don't forget that you will gain it all back faster because nobody ever following the MFP accepted plan does :
  • BeckaT79
    BeckaT79 Posts: 216
    These forums are public. if you did not want the public opinions, good or bad, you shouldn't have posted on here.
    - Lots of people have written "eBooks" only available on the internet but have never seen the top of a publishers desk. You will see them cited on here all the time as "scientific evidence." You can only buy them online and they also are potentially not well researched nor backed by verified science.

    There have also been a lot of published books that have done the body harm.
    Believe it or not a lot of the people who have posted on here are trying to help you. Most of them like LorinaLynn have lived through it and have done wonderful things with their bodies because of the previous failures. The problem is that most people who fail refuse to take advice from knowledgeable people and when their "diet fad" fails they quit. Listen to the advice given to you but also do some research and talk to your doctor or a dietitian. because you may be doing harm without realizing it. (Internet included)
    Good luck with your journey, just make sure you use this forum for the good information also. I don't think this site would ever put you below 1200 calories or any Dr. for that matter.
    Good luck.
  • PinkAndSparkle
    I sustained a diet of 600-800 calories a day for 5 years...then gained 10 lbs. I never felt hungry, and was constantly bloated because my body was storing everything I ate. Your body gets used to whatever you feed it and will make do. However, you will not gain muscle especially with 45 grams of protein a day...and you're probably just burning lean muscle instead of fat when you workout. Once you force yourself to eat a bit more every day, your body will get used to it quickly and probably get hungry again and lose weight.
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