eating 1000 cal and feeling great



  • theoriginaljayne
    theoriginaljayne Posts: 559 Member
    Hunger is irrelevant. Your body will eventually adapt to any form of eating, no matter how disordered.

    If you plan to eat 900-1000 calories per day for the rest of your life, then continue what you're doing. (Expect health problems, though.)

    Again, the issue here isn't whether or not you'll lose weight. Of course you'll lose weight on a calorie-restricted diet -- that's a given. More importantly: is your diet healthy? Is it sustainable? Does it allow you to live life the way you want?

    A simple but very good piece of advice is "eat like the person you want to be." Find out what your maintenance calories would be if you were at your goal weight, and eat roughly that amount.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    oh and one more thing.
    i have a binge eating disorder since i was 12.
    so i don't have any eating habits. the only habit i have is overeating all the time.
    so for me this is a lifestyle change.because i don't know how to eat 'normal'.

    sweetie, i had anorexia from 12-16 which changed to bingeing/bulimia til i was 18 and just been bingeing ever since. Have you ever talked to a professional about this?

    Please try and eat your BMR, helps with metabolic rate and maintaining muscle mass which will help you to lose more weight in the long run.. Try eating "clean, unprocessed" foods which will help you not to binge. But most importantly, DON"T BEAT YOURSELF UP if you do binge.
    I also find though as I have been eating more I have had less and less binges.
  • amy_marlene
    amy_marlene Posts: 178 Member
    Why would you come here and brag about your unhealthy and unsustainable weight loss?

    why are you being so rude?
    i'm NOT bragging about anything. I'm just saying how i feel and asking people for advice. that's all.
    i guess i should be apologizing for not being hungry o.O

    I'm being rude because I don't want people to see this thread and get encouraged to starve themselves skinny like you are doing. There is a million threads on this forum addressing why this is a unhealthy and unsustainable weight loss method.

    If this is working for you, well, good for you. Just don't come here and encourage others to follow in your foot steps.
    i don't want do encourage anybody to eat 1000 cal.
    and if somebody wants to eat 1000 cal it's his problem,not mine. i'm just saying how i feel. i'm not telling anybody to do it.
  • kykykenna
    kykykenna Posts: 656 Member

    I'm being rude because I don't want people to see this thread and get encouraged to starve themselves skinny like you are doing. There is a million threads on this forum addressing why this is a unhealthy and unsustainable weight loss method.

    If this is working for you, well, good for you. Just don't come here and encourage others to follow in your foot steps.

    Possibly, without knowing her background, a little more support would be warranted here, as she just joined less than 2 months ago, and you have been here over a year. I know for myself that there is a HUGE difference in what I thought in the course of a year here. Just a thought?
  • This will help you understand:

    Think less about weight loss and more about a healthy balanced diet with a max calorie intake.
  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member
    oh and one more thing.
    i have a binge eating disorder since i was 12.
    so i don't have any eating habits. the only habit i have is overeating all the time.
    so for me this is a lifestyle change.because i don't know how to eat 'normal'.

    I think what you need to do it just take it day by day. As l was a binge eater for a long time and it started when l was around 11-12 too. So l know what is can be like. But l do think slowly you should eat a bit more. I started out at 700 cals the first 2 weeks then the 3 week went to 900cals. Then on the 5th week went up too 1200 cals. Now l am on 1200-1300cals a day and have noticed that l am losing the weight and not overeating anymore.

    So just take your time. As a body does need more to work. But you don't want to go back to being a binge eater again.
  • Airbear3
    Airbear3 Posts: 335 Member
    you are doing the complete opposite of binge eating and now starving guess would be out of fear of binging? normal eating is not what you are doing! you should at least eat your BMR try splitting up your meals in the morning. if your BMR is 1450 then you would breakfast 400 snack 125 lunch 400 snack 125 dinner 400....make a food plan and stick with it. i don't think anyone is trying to be rude here but nobody wants to see anyone harm themselves or starve! food is not the enemy our brains are. eat as clean as possible fresh meat veggies and fruits. you'll feel like your binging all day but on healthy good for you foods! change your brain change your life:0)
  • amy_marlene
    amy_marlene Posts: 178 Member
    oh and one more thing.
    i have a binge eating disorder since i was 12.
    so i don't have any eating habits. the only habit i have is overeating all the time.
    so for me this is a lifestyle change.because i don't know how to eat 'normal'.

    sweetie, i had anorexia from 12-16 which changed to bingeing/bulimia til i was 18 and just been bingeing ever since. Have you ever talked to a professional about this?

    Please try and eat your BMR, helps with metabolic rate and maintaining muscle mass which will help you to lose more weight in the long run.. Try eating "clean, unprocessed" foods which will help you not to binge. But most importantly, DON"T BEAT YOURSELF UP if you do binge.
    I also find though as I have been eating more I have had less and less binges.

    yes i agree,by eating more there are less and less binges :)
    no,i've never talked to a professional.
    may i add you? :)
  • amy_marlene
    amy_marlene Posts: 178 Member
    oh and one more thing.
    i have a binge eating disorder since i was 12.
    so i don't have any eating habits. the only habit i have is overeating all the time.
    so for me this is a lifestyle change.because i don't know how to eat 'normal'.

    I think what you need to do it just take it day by day. As l was a binge eater for a long time and it started when l was around 11-12 too. So l know what is can be like. But l do think slowly you should eat a bit more. I started out at 700 cals the first 2 weeks then the 3 week went to 900cals. Then on the 5th week went up too 1200 cals. Now l am on 1200-1300cals a day and have noticed that l am losing the weight and not overeating anymore.

    So just take your time. As a body does need more to work. But you don't want to go back to being a binge eater again.
    yes i'll try to do it. upping it slowly.
    if i may ask how much are you losing now by eating 1200-1300 cals ?
  • _HeathBar_
    _HeathBar_ Posts: 902 Member
    oh and one more thing.
    i have a binge eating disorder since i was 12.
    so i don't have any eating habits. the only habit i have is overeating all the time.
    so for me this is a lifestyle change.because i don't know how to eat 'normal'.

    Eating only 1000 calories a day encourages binge eating. You will get to the point where you feel deprived then that will set you up to binge. I know this because I have the same problem. If I deprive myself for too long I will want to eat an entire pizza and probably will.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    oh and one more thing.
    i have a binge eating disorder since i was 12.
    so i don't have any eating habits. the only habit i have is overeating all the time.
    so for me this is a lifestyle change.because i don't know how to eat 'normal'.

    sweetie, i had anorexia from 12-16 which changed to bingeing/bulimia til i was 18 and just been bingeing ever since. Have you ever talked to a professional about this?

    Please try and eat your BMR, helps with metabolic rate and maintaining muscle mass which will help you to lose more weight in the long run.. Try eating "clean, unprocessed" foods which will help you not to binge. But most importantly, DON"T BEAT YOURSELF UP if you do binge.
    I also find though as I have been eating more I have had less and less binges.

    yes i agree,by eating more there are less and less binges :)
    no,i've never talked to a professional.
    may i add you? :)

    you sure can sweetie :)
  • thinismygoalx
    thinismygoalx Posts: 20 Member
    I eat even less then you and work out a lot! And I feel good!robably because I eat so much protein!
  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member
    oh and one more thing.
    i have a binge eating disorder since i was 12.
    so i don't have any eating habits. the only habit i have is overeating all the time.
    so for me this is a lifestyle change.because i don't know how to eat 'normal'.

    I think what you need to do it just take it day by day. As l was a binge eater for a long time and it started when l was around 11-12 too. So l know what is can be like. But l do think slowly you should eat a bit more. I started out at 700 cals the first 2 weeks then the 3 week went to 900cals. Then on the 5th week went up too 1200 cals. Now l am on 1200-1300cals a day and have noticed that l am losing the weight and not overeating anymore.

    So just take your time. As a body does need more to work. But you don't want to go back to being a binge eater again.
    yes i'll try to do it. upping it slowly.
    if i may ask how much are you losing now by eating 1200-1300 cals ?

    I am losing around 1-1.5kgs a week now..
  • juliekaiser1988
    juliekaiser1988 Posts: 604 Member
    so how much weight are you losing on a 1000 cals?
    i've started 2 weeks ago. i've lost 4,4 lbs so far

    And cue the plateau in 5...4...3...2...1...
  • _HeathBar_
    _HeathBar_ Posts: 902 Member
    I eat even less then you and work out a lot! And I feel good!robably because I eat so much protein!

    Wow. Maybe you should speak with a doctor. I really hope that's not your in your avatar picture. :frown:
  • amy_marlene
    amy_marlene Posts: 178 Member
    oh and one more thing.
    i have a binge eating disorder since i was 12.
    so i don't have any eating habits. the only habit i have is overeating all the time.
    so for me this is a lifestyle change.because i don't know how to eat 'normal'.

    I think what you need to do it just take it day by day. As l was a binge eater for a long time and it started when l was around 11-12 too. So l know what is can be like. But l do think slowly you should eat a bit more. I started out at 700 cals the first 2 weeks then the 3 week went to 900cals. Then on the 5th week went up too 1200 cals. Now l am on 1200-1300cals a day and have noticed that l am losing the weight and not overeating anymore.

    So just take your time. As a body does need more to work. But you don't want to go back to being a binge eater again.
    yes i'll try to do it. upping it slowly.
    if i may ask how much are you losing now by eating 1200-1300 cals ?

    I am losing around 1-1.5kgs a week now..
    wow that's awesome :))
  • Squidgeypaws007
    Squidgeypaws007 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I eat even less then you and work out a lot! And I feel good!robably because I eat so much protein!

    Wow. Maybe you should speak with a doctor. I really hope that's not your in your avatar picture. :frown:


    And OP, I had exactly the same problem - just couldn't eat my allotted kcal for a while, but I just ate things a little higher in kcals until my body came to agree that we needed more food! I ended up plateuing for about 3 weeks, but have upped my kcal to between 1400-2000kcal a day (depending on how much I've exercised that day (and I exercise a LOT usually :) )) and have just starting losing again!

    So yeah, just try eating things a bit higher in calories until you and your body come to the agreement :)
  • juliekaiser1988
    juliekaiser1988 Posts: 604 Member
    oh and one more thing.
    i have a binge eating disorder since i was 12.
    so i don't have any eating habits. the only habit i have is overeating all the time.
    so for me this is a lifestyle change.because i don't know how to eat 'normal'.

    To me, this is a red flag. I would spend the money and see a nutrionalist to get me on the right path. Most insurance companies will cover it, too.
  • Hi
    Me and you share the same problem. I feel extremely full all the time so eating over 1000 is out of the question and strangely enough I found my emergy levels are so much better when I am eating less 1000. I definitely don't get that hunger pangs and or anything like that and I am able to continue my lifestyle without needing to crash all the time.
  • The_Finja
    The_Finja Posts: 38 Member
    I'm not quite sure why people in this thread have trouble eating more calories. If you are full all of the time just eat higher calorie things, not more stuff. My nutritionist told me to add olive oil to salads, or eat almonds. If you eat a chocolate bar this will add almost 300 calories. I'm not suggesting you eat candy to up your calories, but there are better higher calorie foods out there.
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