mysongislove930 Member


  • 25 here! Anyone can feel free to add me as well! I also have a good deal of weight to lose and I'd love some friends along the way :)
  • "But you have such a pretty face." Thanks for that. I'm glad the rest of me is redeemed by my face. And I really, really love pickled beets.
  • If women can't even respect other women, how do we expect men to treat us with respect? Who cares what another woman looks like and who cares what she calls herself. As long as she's happy, you need to be happy for her. It's not your problem to worry about someone who is obese and it's certainly not your place to judge…
  • I've never done the 30 day shred, but I have done ripped in 30 and it's not an easy workout. I don't know if it's the same in 30ds, but in ripped in 30, she has modifiers for beginners and also for more advanced people. But, like I said, I don't care what fitness level you're at, it's definitely a good work out. :)
  • Thanks for the great advice, everyone! :)
  • lol! But yes! This is great advice. And also, we shouldn't eat when we're not hungry! Bored, stressed, or emotional eating are wasted calories, too!
  • Calorie counting works great when it comes to awareness, for me anyway. When I'm counting calories, I can see what I put it my body and I also pay attention to the other stats like fats, carbs, protein, sugar, etc. It works for portion control! Also, counting calories will only work if you're eating healthy, too. You can…