

  • Ok I am going to chime in here and Ill give my .02. Loosing 2 lbs a week is about the max you want to loose. Anything more your body doesn't like. You need to slowly loose it. Just think of it this way. You don't gain a whole bunch of weight in a week, so don't expect to loose a whole bunch either. Also starving yourself…
  • Here is a posting I gave someone else on a different forum. In your case with back issues work with a trainer to work around it for weights. i would also recommend a bike for cardio or the stair machine. There are multiple ways to break thru the plateau. Before I mention it here are a few things you need to get right. Make…
  • You have been depriving your body of calories for a long time. Once you started feeding it your body can't absorb all the food you are eating. That is why you are having diarrhea. My wife went thru the same thing. Don't worry it will go away, it just takes a while. My wife in particular took 4 weeks. She had to go…
  • Amy, Don't get discouraged. You can do a splurge every now and then. Actually doing one every once and a while is a good thing. It will re-set your metabolism and raise it. every two weeks or so I will just eat a ton for a day. Last time I ate over 6000 calories. I usually like to time it with my leg days at the gym. I…
  • Peanut butter is ok. Just don't get the Jiff or Skippy brand. They put hydrogenated oil and other crap it it. Get the stuff where the ingredients just say "Peanuts".
  • Amy, I know what you are talking about with packing food. Most people will just eat something wherever they go. Most of the time what food is available is crap. This is what worked for me. To save time I spend 2 hours on Sunday evening cooking meals for the week. After that, I am set and I don't have to worry about having…
  • You are right to a point. As soon as you eat anything that spikes your insulin you instantly have lost your fat burning. So, if you are trying to loose weight spiking your insulin will only hurt you. Keeping your insulin low most of the day is what will make you loose weight. The only time I spike my insulin is right after…
  • Amy, I looked at your food diary and I have a couple of recommendations. First, get rid of the Kellogs special K. It is very simple to break down in your body and it turns into sugar. That will spike your insulin levels and make you store it as fat. That also goes for the Nutella. That has a ton of sugar and it also has…
  • Yes, it does apply to women.
  • If you don't want to change your diet but still want to loose fat. You need to change your excercises so that they are short but intense. What worked for me is I do 40 minutes of weights (I am working hard and sweating with the weights) followed by 20-25 minutes of High intensity Cardio 5 days a week. Keep the workouts…
  • There are multiple ways to break thru the plateau. Before I mention it here are a few things you need to get right. Make sure your macro nutrients are in the right proportions. For me, to loose weight I have 50 percent of my calories as protein, 40 percent carbs, and 10 percent fats. The carbs mostly consist of vegetables…