Weight plateau?



  • dianenrojero
    dianenrojero Posts: 2 Member
    There are multiple ways to break thru the plateau. Before I mention it here are a few things you need to get right. Make sure your macro nutrients are in the right proportions. For me, to loose weight I have 50 percent of my calories as protein, 40 percent carbs, and 10 percent fats. The carbs mostly consist of vegetables and I will throw in yams or quinoa if I need the extra energy.

    They say whole wheat is good for you. That is not true. It turns into simple sugars and increases your insulin levels. Keep with the low glycemic foods. Anything below 50 you can use. Also, stay away from any food products that have soy. It messes with your metabolism in a bad way.

    Now here are some other things to not do. Do not eat too little food. You will put your body into starvation mode and you will only make things worse. Make sure you are keeping approximately a 500 to 600 calorie deficit every day. Also, don't eat a few large meals a day. Space them out, I eat 7 to 8 small meals a day every 2 to 3 hours. Constantly feeding your body will keep your metabolism at a steady pace. You have to eat to loose weight. DO NOT UNDER EAT!!!!! If you are not loosing still cut back a little on the carbs or swap the starchy carbs for vegetables.

    Lastly you need to exercise. When you do weights your metabolism can stay higher for as long as 36 hours than if you just did cardio. I cannot emphasize enough you NEED to do weight bearing exercise. And I don't mean just go thru the motions. You need to be breaking a sweat while doing weights. I would recommend using a trainer to get started. and Lastly if you want to do cardio, only do 20 minutes worth of H.I.T. (High intensity training). I will either do sprints on the treadmill or use a weighted barbell, and at times jump rope. Long steady state cardio does more harm than good. Short high intensity cardio burns fat like no other. But I will re iterate YOU HAVE TO EAT!!!! 80% of your weight loss is in the right diet. If you don't follow that you are only making things worse.

    To give my background. I am Hypothyroid and have been struggling with weight all my life. I have tried every diet and workout out there. I was as high as 215 putting me in the obese category. I did only cardio for a while and cut back on my food and I lost weight but at the expense of loosing muscle as well, which only made things worse because I lost muscle to burn fat and I didn't loose anything more. I cut back my food more and i just ruined my metabolism even worse. After doing a lot of reading I changed my diet and ate more and changed to the weights and H.I.T cardio and I went all the way down to 160 lbs. I lost 55 lbs but also I lost a good chunck of muscle also. So I didn't change my workout at all and just changed my diet and I gained 20 lbs of pure muscle. I have kept the weight off over 2 years now and I am putting on more muscle. What I have seen is the more muscle you have the easier it is to keep the weight off.

    Hope this helped

    I have some before and after photos at


    I am number three (Dylanss)
  • Yes, it does apply to women.
  • howardheilweil
    howardheilweil Posts: 604 Member
    If you've been in a plateau for 4-5 weeks, you're eating too much, end.
    Take a look at her food diary. She is significantly under eating (assuming she is logging accurately) almost daily.
  • Amy,

    I looked at your food diary and I have a couple of recommendations. First, get rid of the Kellogs special K. It is very simple to break down in your body and it turns into sugar. That will spike your insulin levels and make you store it as fat. That also goes for the Nutella. That has a ton of sugar and it also has fat in it. That will defiantly make your insulin spike and make you store it as fat.

    A breakfast I like to have is Steel cut oats with cinnamon and Stevia or Erythritol cranberries and coconut oil. Add a side plate of egg whites scrambled with low fat cheese.

    If you want a spread of some sort I would recommend coconut oil. It has Medium chain fatty acids that don't get stored as fat and it gets used as energy. I actually loose weight the more of this stuff I eat (To a point).

    I also don't like the Bratwurst. It is loaded with sodium. I would recommend going with some ground turkey with some spices.
    A good meal I like to do is cook up some ground turkey and add some Quinoa and salsa. Add some red pepper, chili powder spice to it and you have a great meal.

    Also, if you are going to have a Banana, eat it immediately after doing a workout. The carbs in it will replenish the depleted glycogen in your muscles and also spike your insulin preventing muscle breakdown.

    Basic rule is DON'T EAT SUGARY FOODS ALONG WITH FAT!!! The only time you should be eating sugar is immediately after a workout.

    And, you are defiantly not eating enough and you are doing WAY TOO MUCH CARDIO!!! Trust me, I have done the 2 hours of cardio a day and eat 800 calories a day thing. You will loose weight to a point but not in a good way. Then you will stop loosing weight. I lost well over 60 lbs doing this but almost half of that was muscle. That made it nearly impossible to loose more weight because my muscles withered away and there was no substantial muscle mass to burn fat.

    It doesn't matter if you don't feel hungry. Your metabolism is shot and it has adapted to being under fed. I guarante you if you eat more your metabolism will increase and you will get more hungry.

    I was only eating 1200 calories a day just like you and weighing only 160 lbs down from 220. I lost a lot of strength and i still had fat on me. I was still 13% body fat and I wasn't hungry and my body was used to being starved. I increased my calories to 3500-4200 a day and I gained so much muscle back after just 4 months. Then, I reduced it to 2100 and I kept the workouts intense and did 20 minutes of cardio 5 days a week and after just 2 months I dropped down to 8% body fat.

    You really need to eat and do weight bearing exercise 4 to 5 days a week no more than 40 minutes (working your *kitten* off) then do 20 minutes of cardio and you are done for the day. No more exercise.

    Follow those rules and YOU WILL LOOSE FAT. Remember it doesn't matter what the scale says. It matters how much fat you burn off and what your body fat percentage becomes. Don't whither yourself away just to make the scale lighter. Loose the fat, and keep the muscle and you will look phenomenal!

    I have been in your shoes. Learn from my mistakes and save yourself the aggravation!
  • AmyWininger
    AmyWininger Posts: 150 Member
    Thank you. I'll eat something else for breakfast from now on and remember about the banana. It's just difficult taking good lunches and such, because I have to pack them to school. I increased my weights this week, so I should be doing more weight training excercises. Thank you so much for your input. :)
  • intheflowers
    intheflowers Posts: 24 Member
    You seem to eat A LOT of peanut butter. Try cutting that out and replacing it with other protein/fat sources and see if anything changes.
  • walleymama
    walleymama Posts: 174 Member
    If you are truly eating at a deficit, it should make no difference what you eat (within reason: obviously eating nothing but Twinkies to use up your daily caloric goal would not be a good strategy). Special K isn't going to sabotage weight loss - it may leave you hungry sooner, however, than something more filling, like oatmeal.

    Hard enough to exercise regularly, track calories, and stick to your daily caloric goal without the Food Police telling you what you can and cannot eat.
  • If you are truly eating at a deficit, it should make no difference what you eat (within reason: obviously eating nothing but Twinkies to use up your daily caloric goal would not be a good strategy). Special K isn't going to sabotage weight loss - it may leave you hungry sooner, however, than something more filling, like oatmeal.

    Hard enough to exercise regularly, track calories, and stick to your daily caloric goal without the Food Police telling you what you can and cannot eat.

    You are right to a point. As soon as you eat anything that spikes your insulin you instantly have lost your fat burning. So, if you are trying to loose weight spiking your insulin will only hurt you. Keeping your insulin low most of the day is what will make you loose weight. The only time I spike my insulin is right after a workout. Your body is in a catabolic state during physical exercise (That is why you loose muscle if you do long sessions on the treadmill). When you eat something sugary right after exercise you will spike you insulin levels and stop your body from eating itself and also replenish the glycogen in your muscles. For me having a banana or what I used to do was take about 65grams of pure dextrose sugar with my protein shake.

    Nutrition is key in loosing weight. I used to eat those 100 calorie snack packs that they sell at the stores and those have sugar in them. This was when I was eating 800-1200 calories a day and I wasn't loosing weight. I was spiking my insulin levels regularly during the day and all I was doing was screwing myself over. Once I switched over to only eating clean food, lean chicken, turkey, green vegetables, quinoa, brown rice..etc. I started loosing weight again.

    Eating clean, nutritious food is most of the work getting you to loose weight. I spent a lot of time educating myself on food and how it behaves in the body. Eating processed food doesn't help. The closer you stay to the food source the better off you are.
  • Thank you. I'll eat something else for breakfast from now on and remember about the banana. It's just difficult taking good lunches and such, because I have to pack them to school. I increased my weights this week, so I should be doing more weight training excercises. Thank you so much for your input. :)


    I know what you are talking about with packing food. Most people will just eat something wherever they go. Most of the time what food is available is crap. This is what worked for me. To save time I spend 2 hours on Sunday evening cooking meals for the week. After that, I am set and I don't have to worry about having time to make something for the next day. I take a small cooler with me to work that has the meals I need during work. Also, carrying some extra backup food with you that travels well is good also just in case you stay somewhere longer than intended. you will always be prepared to have food ready.

    I really want you to succeed. Here is a sample meal plan you should follow. You can substitute the vegetables for whatever you want. You can substitute the Yams with quinoa or brown rice. Eat each meal every 2 to 3 hours. Also, drink a gallon of water a day. It sounds like a lot but the more you drink the easier it becomes. Give it a few weeks and you will get used to it.

    Meal 1

    Egg Whites- 4

    Oatmeal-1/3 cup uncooked

    Flax Oil- 1 tsp


    Meal 2

    Chicken- 4 oz cooked

    Broccoli-1 cup

    Meal 3

    Lean Ground Turkey- 4 oz cooked

    Brown Rice- 1/3 cup

    peas- 1/3 cup

    Meal 4

    Chicken- 4 oz cooked

    Yams- 3 oz

    green beans-1 cup

    Meal 5

    Chicken- 4 oz cooked

    Avocado- 1 1/2 oz

    sweet potato- 3 oz

    Asparagus-1/2 cup

    Salad- 1 serving

    Meal 6

    Egg Whites- 4

    Spinach- however much you want

    For workout here is what I would recommend. This has worked for others as well. Remember when working out don't go thru the motions while talking to a friend on the cell phone. Put all that aside and concentrate on working hard. You are at the gym to workout not to talk. Keep it serious and just focus and you will be finished in no time. Keep the breaks between sets no more than 45 seconds. When starting out do light weights. But by the second week increase the weights and the point is you want to barely be able to finish the last rep of each set. Keep the intensity up and you will drop the fat. Also, form is key. If you do weights improperly you won't get the full benefit from it. Also you can hurt yourself. I would recommend a personal trainer to start.

    I also want to point out. Other women I have helped were worried of starting to look bulky like a man. Don't worry you won't I promise.

    If lifting weights doesn't work for you, other options are you can do TRX, or P90X.

    You can find all these workouts on Bodybuilding.com for explanation.

    Day 1:
    Leg press: 4 sets of 18,15, 12, and 10 reps
    Leg extensions: 4 sets of 12-15 reps
    Leg curls: 4 sets of 12-15 reps
    Stiff-legged deadlift: 4 sets of 15-18 reps
    Weighted glute bridges:4 sets of 25 reps
    Cable kickbacks: 4 sets of 15 reps

    20 minutes of cardio

    Day 2
    Assisted pull-ups: 4 sets to failure
    Wide-grip lat pull-downs: 3 sets of 12-15 reps
    Dumbbell rows: 4 sets of 12-15 reps
    Narrow-grip pull-downs: 4 sets of 12-15 reps
    Dumbbell pullovers: 4 sets of 12-15 reps
    Rope push-downs: 4 sets of 12-15 reps
    Triceps dips: 4 sets of 15-20 reps
    Reverse crunches: 3 sets of 50 reps
    Seated calf raise: 4 sets of 20 reps

    20 minutes of cardio

    Day 3

    Dumbbell lateral raise: 4 sets of 12-15 reps
    Dumbbell shoulder press: 4 sets of 12-15 reps
    Dumbbell front raise: 3 sets of 12-15 reps
    Weighted glute bridges: 4 sets of 25 reps
    Kickbacks: 4 sets of 15-20 reps

    HIIT treadmill : 20-30 min

    Day 4
    Dumbbell bench press: 4 sets of 10-12 reps
    Dumbbell incline flyes: 4 sets of 12-15 reps
    Dumbbell incline bench press: 4 sets of 10-12 reps
    Dumbbell decline flyes: 4 sets of 12-15 reps
    Barbell curls: 4 sets of 12-15 reps
    Alternating hammer curls: 4 sets of 10-12 reps
    Concentration curls: 4 sets of 10-12 reps

    Cardio-20 minutes

    You can have this last day optional if you aren't dropping weight, add this day in.

    Day 5 (optional)
    Box jumps: 4 sets of 30 reps
    Split jumps: 4 sets of 20 reps
    Jump squats: 3 sets of 20 reps
    Weighted glute bridges: 4 sets of 25 reps
    Smith machine squats: 4 sets of 20 reps
    Flutter kicks w/ankle weights: 4 sets of 20 reps
    Bicycle crunches: 3 sets of 50 reps

    Cardio- 20 minutes

    I hope this helps you out. I have given you the tools to succeed. It is up to you to have the discipline and motivation to see it thru.
  • AmyWininger
    AmyWininger Posts: 150 Member
    About the peanut butter, I eat a lot of it because it's quick calories. I don't seem to be getting enough, and whenever i'm running low I eat somne of it, since it has a lot. But I will tyr to find something else.
  • AmyWininger
    AmyWininger Posts: 150 Member
    And thanks for the meal plan. :) Fixing everything Sunday seems really smart. I'll tyr o do that from now on. I've had a personal trainer for a little while now, and i've raised my weights about 4 times. I don't really care about getting "Skinny," I just want to be fit and toned, and I know that weights will help with that. Thank you all for everything. :)
  • About the peanut butter, I eat a lot of it because it's quick calories. I don't seem to be getting enough, and whenever i'm running low I eat somne of it, since it has a lot. But I will tyr to find something else.

    Peanut butter is ok. Just don't get the Jiff or Skippy brand. They put hydrogenated oil and other crap it it. Get the stuff where the ingredients just say "Peanuts".
  • AmyWininger
    AmyWininger Posts: 150 Member
    Alright guys, I was doing pretty good. But these past couple of days I broke down and just ate whatever. I've noticed throughout my diary I've gone over my sugar intake a lot, so I'm going to reduce my fruits and no more bad stuff. I'm seriously determined, I don't want to get depressed again like I did today. I went out and bought veggies, and hopefully I'll learn to like them.
  • Amy,

    Don't get discouraged. You can do a splurge every now and then. Actually doing one every once and a while is a good thing. It will re-set your metabolism and raise it.

    every two weeks or so I will just eat a ton for a day. Last time I ate over 6000 calories. I usually like to time it with my leg days at the gym. I burn so many calories on those days I need to eat more.

    Don't worry about cheating. just get right back on the wagon and keep going. If you eat a huge meal and feel bad about it and don't eat the rest of the day that is not what you want to do. Just eat your next meal 3 hours later. I don't care if you ate so much you had to take your belt off. Eat your normal meal again 3 hours later.

    You will do fine. Just remember, eat healthy as much as you can and keep the workouts intense.