michishell9811 Member


  • Hello Ladies.. Just wanna say hello and introduce myself.... I'm a SAHM of a 6 year old (Jade), 5 year old (Joshua), 5 month old (Sophia), and i'm due in January with # 4!!!!!!.... I'm not trying to "diet" per say, but keep up with being active and not over eating the "bad stuff"... I've been on this site for a while…
  • So..how do i go about joining???? I feel this may motivate me to stay on tope of things in order to contribute to our overall weight loss!!!
  • Congratulations and you look amazing!! You're well on your way to that 6 pack...! I hope I will have a success story to share soon! Keep up the good work...
  • Thank you very much... I look forward to giving this a shot... We'll see how well i do this time around... lol
  • Thank you for the Welcome..! i'm actually in Washington in Warren County. I knw there a quite a few Washingtons in NJ......
  • Just had a baby and looking to have another very soon.. wanna be in my best shape prior to... We'll see what happens...!