TType85 Member


  • This is what was happening with me. Over the past 2 years I went from 305 to 322. In the past 13 weeks I went from 322 down to 307. By logging everything I eat I noticed the stuff I wasn't paying attention to like snacks from the vending machine or that 2nd breakfast sandwich that is only a penny more than getting one.…
  • What is your TDEE at your goal weight? Isn't that is about what you will need to eat to maintain your goal weight.
  • Wow, that is accurate :tongue: Using that I came up with around 2300 cal/day to loose 1.1lb/week which is dang close to the 1.15lb/week I have hit. For me it is M age 36, 307# 6' tall, sedentary. For the OP: What do you have the weight loss set at per week? Your probably best off starting at 1#/week.
  • Going by Fat 2 Fit at my goal weight I should be at about 2370/day, MFP has me at 2470 when it is set at 1#/week. I usually end up 2-300 below that because I know I am probably under-estimating small things like creamer in my coffee. So far doing that, in 13 weeks I have lost 15#. I have started walking more and doing more…
  • 47% of the man. 147% of inspiration!
  • I don't see a big difference myself yet... I started MFP near the end of Feb 2011, so about 60 days ago. I have been going slowly, but making changes that will be permanent. For me, this isn't a diet it is a change of lifestyle. Left = 10/20/2011 ~322# Right = 5/2/2011 ~310# I should have smiled in the new pic, but it's…
  • I've been getting some good workouts without even going to the gym! I have a project car that I have been working on. I had to pull the timing cover and oil-pan along with cleaning up a mess under the hood from a oil leak. Sunday my legs were tired from getting up and down so much. Monday I was sore, could feel it, so I…