

  • Awww man!!! Thanks!!! Can you re-post this like every week just so the people that do struggle can get a pick-me-up?? Imma copy and paste this post so I can print it out and tape it on my refrigerator, mirror, and work desk :smile:
  • Have you ever been to Chipotle? You would think that a burrito there would be healthy...grilled meat, onions, green pepper, beans, rice...little sour cream and cheese....Do you know a Chipotle burrito with that stuff is a little over 1,000 calories????!!!!! I couldn't believe it when I saw it...and I LOVE the burrito. I…
  • Trust me, I understand how you feel. Losing weight is one of the hardest things to do, but you already started down the right path. You are young, and you have TIME!! God gave you a works and functions...all you have to do is work on improving it. I need to be listening to my own words of advice!! You have a…