I hate being fat.

Hi, I'm new to MFP.
I'm 19 in March.

I just want to say that i am sick and tired of being fat.
All my friends are so slim and toned and I feel like I don't fit in.
I want a boyfriend
I want to have a future.
I hate my body and I've tried but I always fail.
I'm not pushing myself hard enough.
I just need help.
I look at my body in the mirror and just feel sick.
I don't know what to do.


  • mmstgr
    mmstgr Posts: 578 Member
    You've come to the right place.
    Everyone here is very nice and helpful.
    You will read motivational stories and see some great pictures :)
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    goodness i hope that picture is not what your going for..stickly is sickly and not healthy.

    its not about being skinny..its about being fit and healthy
  • Trust me, I understand how you feel. Losing weight is one of the hardest things to do, but you already started down the right path. You are young, and you have TIME!! God gave you a body...it works and functions...all you have to do is work on improving it. I need to be listening to my own words of advice!! You have a whole network of people on here that have your back and will lose weight right along with you. Make small changes and stick with them....start out slow and don't overwhelm yourself with too big of a goal at first....baby steps. Good luck in your journey and don't be so hard on yourself....skinny skinny people ain't all the rave anyway...everybody I know like a "llittle" thickness on them...seeing ribs and bones AIN'T cute!!!!

    Good luck!!
  • crystal84rose
    crystal84rose Posts: 53 Member
    Hi, I'm new to MFP.
    I'm 19 in March.

    I just want to say that i am sick and tired of being fat.
    All my friends are so slim and toned and I feel like I don't fit in.
    I want a boyfriend
    I want to have a future.
    I hate my body and I've tried but I always fail.
    I'm not pushing myself hard enough.
    I just need help.
    I look at my body in the mirror and just feel sick.
    I don't know what to do.

    Is that you in your profile picture? If it is you are not in the right place... You are not fat and should not be worrying about your weight.
  • It's not me.
    It just motivates me
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    Take it one day at a time, one bite at a time. Remember that everything you eat is a choice. Start with making small changes - substitute fruit for chips, stop drinking your calories if you do that - and learn about your eating needs. Do you need to eat more in the am or at night? Start planning what you eat around that. And, the four most important pieces of advice:
    1. Don't starve yourself. If you're hungry, eat. Just check the calories first and eat the most nutritious thing you have available.
    2. Stop beating yourself up. We all have good days and bad days. I know you hate being fat, but being skinny isn't going to solve your problems - it'll just make you feel better about yourself.
    3. Be patient. You didn't get overweight over night and you won't get slim over night. But, you will eventually as long as you keep trying.
    4. This site is about becoming healthier over time and for the rest of your life. If you log everything you eat and look at the forums for advice, you'll learn how to eat for the rest of your life.
  • jcriscuolo
    jcriscuolo Posts: 319 Member
    I started my weight loss at an all time high of 250 (obese) and joined this site when I was 245. In 2 weeks I have dropped another 5 lbs and find that the calorie counter and the exercise log are both motivational tools to keep me accountable for the food I eat and the activity that I complete each week. Stay with this site every day and I am sure you will be successful in ataining your goals. Add me if you want.
  • take it one day at a time... or in my case one meal at a time! fiber is filling, not calories. you need calories, they are your bodies energy source. YOU CAN DO IT!!!! we're here to help!
  • ladyjeanne57
    ladyjeanne57 Posts: 39 Member
    This is a great place to start! I am fairly new here and have been amazed at how positive and caring people have been. It has helped me to read the posts. Some have been simply entertaining. Others have amazed me. Some have made me want to cry. And others have made me laugh outloud. I am 54 years old and a diabetic. So much of my life has been controlled by my poor health choices. To be 19 again and know what I do now. I know now that how I look is not the most important thing about me. I know that who I am is not controlled by numbers on a scale. I do know that I should have been more concerned about my health then my weight. Don't concentrate on the big numbers. Concentrate on each decision...make those that will make you feel better. When I keep that in mind I am much happier. People that I wish to emulate seem to be guided by this. One step at a time. And if you stumble you have not failed. Pick yourself up and continue forward. You are worth it. You are amazing. Believe it.
  • BTW... that picture you say motivates you, will discourage you at the same time. post up a goal or a photo of a healthy person doing things you want to be able to do! It's a goal... I used to want to look like Marie Osmond (and she had some stuff done, so I guess she's not happy with what she has now either... go figure! ) but I can never be her.

    boyfriends who like you just cause you look "fine" aren't the ones you want. As you go through your journey to being a healthy weight, there will be men who genuinely be interested in you because of who you are. You need to love yourself first. focus on you. You being healthy is awesome!!!!

    'k, done blabbering... lol!
  • Welcome Aboard! I've felT like this my entire life....and I'm in my thirties! You are here & have checked into a support network that I have become addicted to. I hope you do too! You are going to become "that" girl you want to be! Enjoy the process & transformations. Take pictures & measurements TODAY! You are probably rolling your eyes at me, but in 4-6 weeks, you will be amazed! :-)
  • Hi, I'm new to MFP.
    I'm 19 in March.

    I just want to say that i am sick and tired of being fat.
    All my friends are so slim and toned and I feel like I don't fit in.
    I want a boyfriend
    I want to have a future.
    I hate my body and I've tried but I always fail.
    I'm not pushing myself hard enough.
    I just need help.
    I look at my body in the mirror and just feel sick.
    I don't know what to do.

    First, I think you should come up with small goals. What are you looking to do? Not just weight loss goals, but perhaps body positivity goals as well. It seems you're in a negative place regarding yourself, your body, and your past. This is now- this is your chance to make up for anything involving bettering yourself through health and fitness that you think you've failed at in the past. There is TONS of support on this website, tons. You are not alone in how you feel, and there are plenty of people here who will give you that helping hand you need.

    Weight loss involves diet and exercise. Take the word diet and throw out all fads, or "get skinny quick" ideas. Diet means what you eat on a day to day basis. Don't let this be a short-lived stint, let this be a lifestyle change! : ) Now let's get to the more in-depth details...

    For exercise, I'd suggest starting small. Walking is exercise! If you can get outside or on a treadmill walking for 30 minutes a day, 3x a week, you will see difference. But that means you might need to modify what you're currently eating. Lots of fruit, veggies, lean protein, and complex carbs. That doesn't mean you have to throw out all the junk food, but making small changes can drastically improve your health and increase weight loss. Little things such as condiments, soda, processed foods, etc., can sabotage a person's diet. MFP is used primarily to track calories and exercise- so experiment with that. Track everything you put into your mouth and you may be surprised as what the numbers add up to, or perhaps you already have an idea as to what you're eating. Switching from soda to water can make a world of difference.

    I'll add you and perhaps we can talk! : ) You CAN learn to love your body, it is possible. And as far as boyfriends are concerned, I'm nearly 18 and I've never had my first kiss- don't worry about that. It's not a rush to be in love. You have plenty of time, but I can understand the frustration.
  • jcriscuolo
    jcriscuolo Posts: 319 Member
    Excellent advice. Well said, Em!!!
  • marcygrace1993
    marcygrace1993 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi :) I added you.. I have the same type of motivational photos myself. I know this comment may not be received with open arms, but everyone's weight loss goals are different, and just as reasonable. Your avatar will only discourage you if you let it. I decided to lose weight for the same reasons as you, using the same type of thinsporation, and I am down 20 pounds. You can do it! That being said, do not settle for someone who only wants to be with you if you are "skinny", they are not worth your time. Have a goal weight in mind that is only geared to what will make YOU happy- not other people.
  • remember to eat when you start to feel hungry in stead of waiting until you are starving. You will make better choice if don't let your self get to hungry.
  • I know exactly how you feel, being fat sucks.
    But I did learn some things as I constantly struggle with my weight:
    -You're going to find someone regardless if you're fat or not. I never thought I would find someone until I was skinny but I've had two boyfriends and been on several dates in the past two years because they loved me for who I was. You have something to offer that no one else can.
    -Don't push yourself so hard in the beginning. We want to but we get discouraged so much easier. We want the results now but sadly, we can't. Pace yourself. If you're doing the things you're supposed to be doing, it's going to come off slowly but surely.
    -Love yourself. It's a lot harder to do but it will help you. Pick out small things you love about yourself (eyes, hair, great skin, nice smile, etc). When we think negative things about ourselves, it just makes everything so much harder to the point we wonder "why are still here"

    Hun, you can do it, I know you can. just take it one step at a time. People who have responded to this are supporting you 100%.

    I'm adding you so please message me anytime if you need to talk.

    Good luck!
  • SunnyAndrsn
    SunnyAndrsn Posts: 369 Member
    You've already been given some great advice, but I think the most important thing is to love yourself. Decide that you will make a lifestyle change (not a diet) in order to love and take care of yourself better. There seems to be a lot of self loathing in your original post, and I can relate to that, having spent years there myself.

    The world is a brighter place when you can appreciate yourself. You are far, far more than your BMI, a number on a scale, or a clothing size.
  • Myles_D23
    Myles_D23 Posts: 51 Member
    Congrats on making the step. So far I've noticed the hardest part in the beginning is getting the routine down and logging in your calories. Other than that the pounds should be dropping at a steady rate. Just stick with it