

  • anybody know anything about this "natural" weight loss product? i am not a big fan of pills but this sounded interesting.
  • i have been fighting polycystic ovarian syndrome for two years. insulin resistance, hydradinitis supperativa ( skin sores), hair loss, and weight gain are all symptoms. liver failure/disease is not part of this disease. i have been on metformin, spironilactone and birth control to treat. very hard to lose weight, but…
  • i think think this is a perfect tool. i did a test drive yesterday and say how many calories i ACTUALLY consupe. yikes!!
  • i have tried hemp milk. not so bad. i have been a soy, almond and rice milk drinker in the past, i kind of alternate. the hemp milk was not my favorite but now awful. i think if it was used in a smoothie it might mask the flavor untill you get used to it? just a thought!
  • thanks!
  • hey everyone! just introducing myself. starting weight loss goal of 40 lbs. this looks like a great tool to keem me o Created by - Free Food Diaryn task.