Hemp milk?



  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    I used to live in Texas. I've seen what they put in cow feed. Now I live in California where people were fighting measures to keep animal protein out of cow feed because it was too expensive.

    There is chlorine in my swimming pool also but I'm not going to add that to my diet.
  • PinkShoes
    PinkShoes Posts: 269 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I just wanted to make a note about the soymilk/plant estrogen thing I've been talking about...

    These are just studies that I've read about. And there are still arguments going the other way - that plant estrogens won't contribute to cancer and that they may even protect against cancer.

    I'm just being careful until I read more about the subject! I am, by no means, an expert! :smile:
  • kristenlevey
    i have tried hemp milk. not so bad. i have been a soy, almond and rice milk drinker in the past, i kind of alternate. the hemp milk was not my favorite but now awful. i think if it was used in a smoothie it might mask the flavor untill you get used to it? just a thought!
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Why do you think cow's milk is bad? just out of curiosity.. is it the hormones?

    I don't think cows milk will necessarily hurt us (I think the hormones will...but you can find milk from cows that aren't given hormones)...I just don't feel like it is healthy for adult humans to drink cows milk. If you look at any other mammal in nature, humans are the only ones who drink milk after infancy and who drink milk outside of their own species.
    Now, I will drink it on occasion...if I'm at a friend's house, for example, and that's all they have...or for recipes that incorrporate it. As a rule though, I just don't think it's that healthy. Don't get my wrong, though, cows milk does have some very important vitamins and minerals...but I feel that there are better sources in which you can get those.
    Again, I don't think it will necessarily hurt us...but there are a lot of people who are lactose intollerant and I feel that the reason for this is because our bodies are not meant to drink other species' milk.

    I know some people will think I'm crazy for thinking this...it's just food for thought. :smile:

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    Well, I don't buy the "humans are the only ones" argument. I mean, humans are the only animals that do a lot of things. Just cuz no other animal does it, doesn't mean it's unhealthy. Humans are the only animal that exercises with no other purpose than to be healthy, but nobody thinks that is odd.
    The only reason animals don't drink milk after infancy is because of availability. Remember, animals are instinctive, not reasoning, by nature, if a food source is largely unavailable, they won't attempt to acquire it because it requires a degree of specialization that they don't have. Humans, unlike animals, innovate, modify, and create new ways to do things. I don't feel like this is bad, sometimes how we do it is flawed, but that we do it isn't wrong or unhealthy by itself.
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    So where do you get hemp milk? It sounds like it has to be imported for the most part.
  • PinkShoes
    PinkShoes Posts: 269 Member
    So where do you get hemp milk? It sounds like it has to be imported for the most part.

    I've seen hemp milk in natural grocery stores such as Whole Foods, Vitamin Cottage, and Sunflower Farmers Market. The brand that I've seen is called Pacific Natual Foods. I've never tried hemp milk but I have tried almond milk from the same brand. I am curious as to how hemp milk tastes though.

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