Hemp milk?

Anyone tried it? It has a lot more protein that most alternative milks, and omega 3's. I want to buy some, but I'd like to know if it's any good.


  • Phoenixflame
    Phoenixflame Posts: 560 Member
    Anyone tried it? It has a lot more protein that most alternative milks, and omega 3's. I want to buy some, but I'd like to know if it's any good.
  • PinkShoes
    PinkShoes Posts: 269 Member
    Thanks for posting this! I've wondered about hemp milk as well. I was drinking soy milk for several years (not because I'm lactose intolerant - but just because I don't think that cow's milk is healthy for us) but I've been hearing some bad things about women eating a lot of soy because of the plant estrogens in it (they mimic human estrogen and can contribute to breast cancer - but these are just studies that I've read - nothing's been proven yet).
    Anyway...so I've been looking for an alternative to soy milk and cow's milk. So far I've been drinking almond milk...but I've wondered a lot about hemp milk.

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  • laird20k
    laird20k Posts: 96 Member
    Why do you think cow's milk is bad? just out of curiosity.. is it the hormones?
  • Phoenixflame
    Phoenixflame Posts: 560 Member
    Though I think you were asking PinkShoes, I personally have nothing against cows' milk. However, I want to go vegan for a week (curiosity more than anything).

    I'm kind of anti-soy though--it's in so many foods as it is that I suspect we get too much of it. And so much of it is processed.

    Everyone tells me to get almond milk and rice milk...but I'm looking for a replacement that has protein. As hemp milk does.
  • Mireille
    Mireille Posts: 5,134 Member
    If it tastes anything like the seeds, I would love it!

    I haven't seen it around but if I do I will definitely try it! :flowerforyou:
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    If it tastes anything like the seeds, I would love it!

    I haven't seen it around but if I do I will definitely try it! :flowerforyou:


    The term hemp milk makes me shiver a bit, it just SOUNDS nasty. Never tried it but the idea gives me the creeps.

    There's nothing wrong with cow's milk. If you're worried about the diets of the cows and hormones and steroids pumped into them, well, there's multiple options for that. There are plenty of brands out there that sell milk from cows that graze naturally on pasture that has not been chemically treated.

    for instance the brand Natural-by-Nature milk is certified 100% organic.

    if you google organic cows milk you will find plenty of resources on it.

    If you, for some reason, think that milk in and of itself, is bad, then I'm at a loss and wonder where you came by that curious information.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    If it tastes anything like the seeds, I would love it!

    I haven't seen it around but if I do I will definitely try it! :flowerforyou:

  • Mireille
    Mireille Posts: 5,134 Member

    These are the Hemp seeds I'm talking about..not what Dave and Banks thought.

  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member

    These are the Hemp seeds I'm talking about..not what Dave and Banks thought.



    bet you make special brownies once a week huh?
  • Mireille
    Mireille Posts: 5,134 Member

    These are the Hemp seeds I'm talking about..not what Dave and Banks thought.


    bet you make special brownies once a week huh?

    This is a drug free body except for the 2 puffs I didn't inhale. :angry:
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member

    These are the Hemp seeds I'm talking about..not what Dave and Banks thought.


    bet you make special brownies once a week huh?

    This is a drug free body except for the 2 puffs I didn't inhale. :angry:

    pot head
  • FitnessGeek
    FitnessGeek Posts: 487
    bet you make special brownies once a week huh?

    What a waste of good uh 'hemp' that would be!
  • Mireille
    Mireille Posts: 5,134 Member

    These are the Hemp seeds I'm talking about..not what Dave and Banks thought.


    bet you make special brownies once a week huh?

    This is a drug free body except for the 2 puffs I didn't inhale. :angry:

    pot head

  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    Thanks for posting this! I've wondered about hemp milk as well. I was drinking soy milk for several years (not because I'm lactose intolerant - but just because I don't think that cow's milk is healthy for us) but I've been hearing some bad things about women eating a lot of soy because of the plant estrogens in it (they mimic human estrogen and can contribute to breast cancer - but these are just studies that I've read - nothing's been proven yet).
    Anyway...so I've been looking for an alternative to soy milk and cow's milk. So far I've been drinking almond milk...but I've wondered a lot about hemp milk.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
    Never tried hemp milk and I can't stand soy, it tastes sweet to me. Also are you buying your soy organic? If not it may contain chemicals. Also there are some organic cow milks, horizon is one, there is also a local farmer here, Burbach. Don't know how far he ships but it's in Nebraska. He also uses glass bottles that you have to pay a deposit on, but well worth it. I was lactose intolerant until I started drinking this. Also it doesn't have the add hormones that others do. I know on the Roberts web site they have stated that they do not use farmers that use hormones. I don't know if anyone should believe this, that's why I stick with Burbach.
  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    If it tastes anything like the seeds, I would love it!

    I haven't seen it around but if I do I will definitely try it! :flowerforyou:


    The term hemp milk makes me shiver a bit, it just SOUNDS nasty. Never tried it but the idea gives me the creeps.

    There's nothing wrong with cow's milk. If you're worried about the diets of the cows and hormones and steroids pumped into them, well, there's multiple options for that. There are plenty of brands out there that sell milk from cows that graze naturally on pasture that has not been chemically treated.

    for instance the brand Natural-by-Nature milk is certified 100% organic.

    if you google organic cows milk you will find plenty of resources on it.

    If you, for some reason, think that milk in and of itself, is bad, then I'm at a loss and wonder where you came by that curious information.
    I'll just have to say that my daughter is seeing an endo doc and he recommends to drink hormone free milk and eat hormone/antibiotic free meats. Since then my daughters hormone levels have dropped, without the use of meds. Just food for thought......
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Why do you think cow's milk is bad? just out of curiosity.. is it the hormones?

    They add chlorine to it as a preservative and milk cows are fed other cows that were too diseased to be processed as beef. Ewww ...
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    for instance the brand Natural-by-Nature milk is certified 100% organic.

    If you, for some reason, think that milk in and of itself, is bad, then I'm at a loss and wonder where you came by that curious information.

    If I saw a cow and what she ate ... then saw her get milked, I'll gladly drink it. Else, for that kind of money on somthing that might not even be as "organic" as it claims, I'll stick with soy.
  • PinkShoes
    PinkShoes Posts: 269 Member
    Why do you think cow's milk is bad? just out of curiosity.. is it the hormones?

    I don't think cows milk will necessarily hurt us (I think the hormones will...but you can find milk from cows that aren't given hormones)...I just don't feel like it is healthy for adult humans to drink cows milk. If you look at any other mammal in nature, humans are the only ones who drink milk after infancy and who drink milk outside of their own species.
    Now, I will drink it on occasion...if I'm at a friend's house, for example, and that's all they have...or for recipes that incorrporate it. As a rule though, I just don't think it's that healthy. Don't get my wrong, though, cows milk does have some very important vitamins and minerals...but I feel that there are better sources in which you can get those.
    Again, I don't think it will necessarily hurt us...but there are a lot of people who are lactose intollerant and I feel that the reason for this is because our bodies are not meant to drink other species' milk.

    I know some people will think I'm crazy for thinking this...it's just food for thought. :smile:

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  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    you know there is chlorine in your tap water right? and that is a good thing? chlorine kills the really bad stuff that WILL make you sick.

    to each his own, but cow's milk is perfectly healthy. even the stuff that is "regular milk", and not "extra fancy and expensive "organic" milk"

    who told you cows are fed other cows?
    was it PETA?
    because a cow is a ruminant, they eat things like hay, grass, plant material.
  • PinkShoes
    PinkShoes Posts: 269 Member
    Thanks for posting this! I've wondered about hemp milk as well. I was drinking soy milk for several years (not because I'm lactose intolerant - but just because I don't think that cow's milk is healthy for us) but I've been hearing some bad things about women eating a lot of soy because of the plant estrogens in it (they mimic human estrogen and can contribute to breast cancer - but these are just studies that I've read - nothing's been proven yet).
    Anyway...so I've been looking for an alternative to soy milk and cow's milk. So far I've been drinking almond milk...but I've wondered a lot about hemp milk.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
    Never tried hemp milk and I can't stand soy, it tastes sweet to me. Also are you buying your soy organic? If not it may contain chemicals. Also there are some organic cow milks, horizon is one, there is also a local farmer here, Burbach. Don't know how far he ships but it's in Nebraska. He also uses glass bottles that you have to pay a deposit on, but well worth it. I was lactose intolerant until I started drinking this. Also it doesn't have the add hormones that others do. I know on the Roberts web site they have stated that they do not use farmers that use hormones. I don't know if anyone should believe this, that's why I stick with Burbach.

    I was drinking organic soy milk. And the stuff in soy milk that I've been reading about aren't chemicals. They are natural plant estrogens that are in the soy plant. The studies I've read about say that plant estrogens act like human estrogen when consumed. And too much estrogen in women can lead to breast cancer. Of course, there are arguments for the other side too that say plant estrogens may even protect people from cancer...and studies are still being done. I'm just being careful until I read more about it.

    Also, I've had Horizon before and it's delicious milk! I just don't think it's healthy for humans to drink cows milk. I don't hink it will necessarily hurt us...but if you look at any other mammal in nature, humans are the only ones who drink milk after infancy and who drink milk outside of their species. I think the reason so many people are lactose intollerant is because our bodies aren't meant to digest milk. When I do have to use milk though, such as in recipes, etc., I do use Horizen because it's organic and really high quality milk. And milk does have a lot of important vitamins and minerals, but I think there are better sources in which we can get those.

    I know some people will think I'm crazy for thinking this...it's just food for thought. :smile: