daughter14 Member


  • I'm on that journey as well. Let's get started!!!!:smile:
  • I have lost 45lbs. without ever going to a gym. I walk and run at the park while my children are playing. I walk on my treadmill on bad weather days and I have jillian michaels 30day shred video. Who wants to go to a gym and pay money to have all those muscular fit people there looking at you because you are not in shape.
  • Try visiting a dietician at least one time and see what advice they can give you to help you on your journey
  • My dietician told me if you weigh more than 200 pounds you need to consume more than 1200 calories a day or your body will go into starvation mode. I was at 242 and I was eating 1600-1700 calories a day and I didn't feel hungry. Now that I have dropped to 198 I have dropped my calories down to 1200-1300 a day. Be careful…
  • Don't give up. I have been at the same weight for about a month and a half, but I didn't stop now it seems to be slowly coming off again. Get a tape measure and see if you have lost inches instead of pounds, that is what I noticed. Have you given up drinks and juice that may be your culprit thats causing the problem.
  • Someone told me about this sight when I was in Lane bryant. I have lost 42lbs. since march 30, 2011 by watching what I eat and walking 5 times a week for 30 mins, but I'm at a stand still and it is becoming frustrating. Especially since I have a friend that goes to the weight loss clinic and has lost 73lbs since May and…
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