chrmoody Member


  • to me, running is the purest form of exercise. like some previous posters have stated, it's simple, it's effective, it's empowering, and not to mention relatively inexpensive haha. All you need to bring is some shoes and yourself. of course, clothing, but thats all cheap. I love it, no other exercise makes me feel the way…
  • stay the course, don't let diabetes hold you down, anyone can lose and get healthy with the right mindset and reasonable goals!
  • i don't know your height or weight, but 1220 isn't good for anyone especially if you're exercising on top of that. Bump it up a little bit, eat every 3-4 hours, small snacks, and drink a lot of water! Change up you workouts too, and what you eat. Challenge your body to keep on it's toes and work for you, not work against…
  • watch what you eat, track everything (hence myfitnesspal apps...) drink water, avoid sugary drinks, snack right, and have a positive mental attitude! I find keeping it simple is the best goal when dieting and exercising. The minute, at least for me, it get's too complicated, I just get bored and want to quit. So what I've…