For runners!! What has running done for you?



  • xxTAMxx
    xxTAMxx Posts: 573 Member
    It's my daily anti-depressant!
    This! Whenever I am stressed my first instinct is to run. I always feel so much better afterwards.
  • Running has been an outlet for stress. It makes me feel good to sweat. In the most recent years, even though I have slowed gave me time to think, reflect, talk to God, laugh, cry, and overcome. I recently had surgery and miss running. I learned to love running, and would really miss it if I was not allowed to return to it. That being said, I learned to love it....I can learn to love something else. PS...I dislike treadmill running.....hit the towpaths, or the street, or park path.....nothing like it. Oh did I say I miss it?
  • TexasNana41
    TexasNana41 Posts: 114 Member
    I started C25K last September and ran my first 5K in January. I'm 58 years old and had never run before. And now I'm sorry I didn't discover that I like running many many years ago. It has helped me to lose 60 pounds, shrunk my legs and hips, calms me if I'm cranky and motivates me to eat better. I've spent the last 2-3 weeks with a knee that was hurting and then I got some sort of upper respiratory crud from my kindergarten students and I can't wait to get back at it again!
  • Whodatgirl77
    Whodatgirl77 Posts: 238 Member
    This is awesome!!!!
    It's helped me lose weight.
    It's given me confidence after my divorce.
    It's given me the chance to meet some really incredible people.
    It's given me the opportunity to see parts of the United States that I never would have seen.
    It's made my relationship with my son stronger.
    It's made me ask myself, "Why not? Why not me?"

    Other than the part of making my relationship with my son stronger, the neatest thing running has done for me is ........

    It's given me the opportunity to showcase 36 half marathon medals on 36 bottles of wine.

    I'm doing half marathons in all 50 states. I buy a bottle of wine made in each state. I'm giving them to my kids when I die. It's going to be an awesome wine tasting party!

    If this would have been posted on Sunday, my numbers would be 37. I'm crossing off VA this weekend. With my son. :heart:
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Come to think of it, the biggest plus for me is I haven't had a chest infection in 14 months! That's a record, I think.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    It's my daily anti-depressant!
    This! Whenever I am stressed my first instinct is to run. I always feel so much better afterwards.

    Yep... Running got me off antidepressants and Xanax.
  • Marie3391
    Marie3391 Posts: 202 Member
    Thank you everyone for your input! I'm really looking forward to running again! I gotta make sure to stretch since I hurt my lower back running a few days ago, haha.
  • I ran my first half 9 years ago. The biggest thing running has done for me is given me confidence. All the calorie burn is a nice bonus.
  • bitterfusion
    bitterfusion Posts: 82 Member
    I have fallen in love with running. I can remember in school dreading having to run the 1 mile for sports. Now I consistently run 3 miles at a shot. For me, not only has it helped me lose weight, but I just feel better. Its my sanity as well. I am a sahm to 3 and I run on the treadmill at naptime. The days I don't run I have less patience with them. Its just been a great experience for me!!!

    I can totally identify with this. I don't quite know how, but I've gone from hating running to really enjoying it! It's the greatest anti-depressant without a doubt, and I only wish I'd gotten into it when I was younger!
  • Running has given me an outlet to relieve emotional stress. My mind is constantly firing thoughts, one after the other, and I often feel overwhelmed and restless. Running has allowed me to sort through the mess in my mind, at least partially. It's great for my depression, and gives me a general sense of accomplishment after finishing. The fresh air doesn't hurt my body either ; ) I find that running also helps with digestion. Dealing with a prominent and severe digestive disorder, it really helps my body feel better as a whole! If I don't get my exercise in, my health declines.

    Physical benefits include the whittling of my legs! My legs are getting more defined, but are still shrinking at the same time. My waist is definitely getting smaller as well. I've always thought my butt was OK, but lately it's been getting even more perky, and I think running's to blame.

    I don't know, I think it's more the mental over the physical benefits that has me hooked. I usually run a little over 4 miles each time I go out. I prefer running outside to running on the treadmill, as that gets tedious and boring real quick.
  • I've been running for a year now, and when I started I couldn't even make it a lap around the track and now I'm prepping for a half marathon. Running has made me more mentally tough than my 10 years of gymnastics ever could. I didnt lose much weight, but my body looked more fit and toned...less "meatball-ish" Also, the energy I have everyday is better than when I was a kid! Running makes me feel like I can do anything and different 5ks and other running events continually make me set goals. I also did a Warrior Dash and placed in the top 1,000 out of 10,000 :) Sooo I'd say pick that running habit back up, girl! :)

    I often say that the thing keeping me motivated is the variety of races that I sign up for. Its cost me money but I can compare it to an expensive dinner but with better benefits. I genuinly feel good about my running.I AM A ARUNNER!

    I've gained mental strength, endurance physical strength, muscle, confidence, FRIENDS THAT CARE, and most importantly a welcoming team that I am happy to belong to.
  • chrmoody
    chrmoody Posts: 6 Member
    to me, running is the purest form of exercise. like some previous posters have stated, it's simple, it's effective, it's empowering, and not to mention relatively inexpensive haha. All you need to bring is some shoes and yourself. of course, clothing, but thats all cheap.

    I love it, no other exercise makes me feel the way I do after like running does. Those endorphins, the since of accomplish, and no other weight lifting machine or exercise leaves me dripping with sweat like running does. Life is good!
  • Running has helped me drop fat and lean out.
    Besides from the health aspects of running and getting a good cardio work out it gives me a sense of accomplishment!
    I set goals for distance and pace and as I progress towards them I FEEL AWESOME!
    I started off about 2 years ago doing a walk run program and progressed to running 21k's.

    I also have met quite a few new friends by joining a running group. To help keep me motivated to keep on my running I enter several runs each year so I have an event to train for.

    I say go for it!!!
  • Running helped me lose my pregnancy weight from both pregnancies (51 pounds for #1, 41 pounds for #2). It gives me an outlet to relieve stress and has also help keep my PPD at bay without using antidepressants.
    DFWTT Posts: 374
    Stamina, resting heart rate, lower BP, lower overall stress factors. Did I say stamina? It's like a drug sometimes, endorphins anyway. The more you do it, the more you need to do it to feel good. The stress that melted away after 3 miles now takes 5 but I'm not complaining! Paired with adequate strength training to avoid injury, it's the best thing you can do for yourself standing up.
  • swobbles
    swobbles Posts: 40 Member
    I agree, its the biggest part of my weight loss. It also has become an addiction to me as well, it is the biggest stress reliever I could ask for. Nothing better than coming home from work and starting a run.

    ^ This
  • dorseykm
    dorseykm Posts: 412 Member
    Running has helped me:
    - lose weight (along w/calorie tracking on MFP)
    - excercise efficiently (as an engineer I really appreciate this :wink:)
    - have an excuse to buy cute excercise clothes (addicted to anything purple)
    - feed my desire for techno gadgets (love tracking my stats on Nike+)
    - manage stress (some runs are a struggle, but the best ones make me feel free)
    - build confidence that I really can do anything (couldn't imagine finishing 2 miles at beginning, recently finished 10k & looking forward to half marathon).
  • tnrunningnurse
    tnrunningnurse Posts: 549 Member
    I took up running 15 yrs ago after I quit smoking...It helped me lose brought out the competative bone in me...I do runs/races and on a regular basis I place and or win my age group...and I also win or place in masters. Running gives me something to look forward too. Running also keeps me healthy.