For runners!! What has running done for you?

I would like to pick up running again, on the treadmill for now, until it gets warmer. When I was at my lowest weight I did it through running almost every day. It's such a great workout for the entire body!

So I'm curious, what has running done for you? Did it help you lose weight? Lose body fat? Tone up? How has it helped you get closer to your goals?


  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    I just started running a few weeks ago, using the C25K..never ran before in my life. I LOVE it. I feel so empowered. So mentally, it made a BIG difference. Physically, I feel my legs getting stronger and leaner (which I needed) and my core feels tighter. I'm doing strength training on my off days, and the running seems to compliment that perfectly.
  • Nigelmouse
    Nigelmouse Posts: 22 Member
    I consider running to be the biggest cause of my weight loss, it's a great cardio workout and I'm getting to enjoy it quite a lot.
  • Faeriegirl74
    Faeriegirl74 Posts: 187 Member
    At first, running didn't help me lose weight. It took not only running, but also eating better - that's when the weight dropped.

    For me - running has given me more self confidence than I ever thought I had.
  • primalchaos
    primalchaos Posts: 135 Member
    Running has been my main cardio for the last 5 months (treadmill). Overall, I've lost 65 lbs but also increased my stamina to go from walking with interval spikes to running for 30-40 minutes each day. It's not been easy and some days I'd love to skip it, but it has been extremely effective at burning calories.

    I have even signed up for a few 5ks this spring and summer. It's been almost 28 years since the last time I competed in anything fitness related so I'm pretty excited to see how it goes. I'm sure I'll finish though it could be tougher than I expect it to be.
  • CallieRettig
    I've been running for a year now, and when I started I couldn't even make it a lap around the track and now I'm prepping for a half marathon. Running has made me more mentally tough than my 10 years of gymnastics ever could. I didnt lose much weight, but my body looked more fit and toned...less "meatball-ish" Also, the energy I have everyday is better than when I was a kid! Running makes me feel like I can do anything and different 5ks and other running events continually make me set goals. I also did a Warrior Dash and placed in the top 1,000 out of 10,000 :) Sooo I'd say pick that running habit back up, girl! :)
  • bigtone34
    I agree, its the biggest part of my weight loss. It also has become an addiction to me as well, it is the biggest stress reliever I could ask for. Nothing better than coming home from work and starting a run.
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    Besides dropping 54 lbs, it's a great stress reliever for me. I love it. I never thought I would and there are days where I have to make myself do it, but the feeling of accomplishment that I get after, is amazing. Keeps me going.
  • carynlondon
    carynlondon Posts: 7 Member
    I started running in September, and the biggest change I've seen in the last 6 months is mental. I feel calmer, and I don't "eat my feelings" as much as before. Running has really been a great outlet for stress, anxiety, boredom.. basically all the reasons I would find myself snacking.

    Physically, running has helped me tone, especially my lower body. It's also increased my endurance for any physical activity.
  • achief192
    I lost 30 pounds by running ~12 miles a week and eating ~1500 calories a day over 6 months
  • wapan
    wapan Posts: 219 Member
    I've run for years and I find the biggest pro is that my strong cardio. I can join pretty much any sport and be confident that my cardio will help me learn and adjust faster than if I wasn't a runner.
  • mum23boys
    Running has transformed my body. I love to run and love the way it makes me feel. I have lost weight running (eating healthier too!) and am enjoying my new, slimmer self. I feel empowered and love that I am the one who controls my workout - the speed, intensity and hills is all up to me. I never thought I'd get so into but now I crave a run if I haven't for a couple days - I am addicted!
  • Punkedpoetess
    Punkedpoetess Posts: 633 Member
    Not only has running been a big part of my weight loss and maintainence journey, running also helps me with handling stress and keeps me from becoming depressed.
  • klezotte
    Great weight loss tool, but it also pushes you, it's you against yourself. You can go up that hill or not, you can run faster or not, you can run a race, or just for fun. It does transform you mentally and physically. Also, you don't need a lot of stuff to do it.
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    It's helped me lose weight.
    It's given me confidence after my divorce.
    It's given me the chance to meet some really incredible people.
    It's given me the opportunity to see parts of the United States that I never would have seen.
    It's made my relationship with my son stronger.
    It's made me ask myself, "Why not? Why not me?"

    Other than the part of making my relationship with my son stronger, the neatest thing running has done for me is ........

    It's given me the opportunity to showcase 36 half marathon medals on 36 bottles of wine.

    I'm doing half marathons in all 50 states. I buy a bottle of wine made in each state. I'm giving them to my kids when I die. It's going to be an awesome wine tasting party!

    If this would have been posted on Sunday, my numbers would be 37. I'm crossing off VA this weekend. With my son. :heart:
  • rugbygirlca
    Running is my 'no excuses' exercise. It's basically free (just a good pair of running shoes), it gets you outside in the fresh air and you can do it anywhere. On a day when I am really busy, I can squeeze in 30 minutes before work, at lunch or after the kids go to bed in the evening. I'm not on anyone else's schedule and there's no need to drive anywhere first.

    It took me quite a while to start getting the runner's 'high'. My legs and cardio used to give out on me at about 30 minutes, just as I was getting into a mental groove. Now, my heart, lungs and legs can go for over an hour easily and I slip into the happy zone in just 10 minutes or so.

    I used to define people who ran in the dark OR the cold as dedicated and those who ran in the dark AND the cold as crazy. I have now joined the ranks of the crazy people.

    Having said that...I have a wicked case of patellar tendonitis and have to take it somewhat easy at the moment.
  • cmpettey
    cmpettey Posts: 223
    I ran in high school, stopped, ran in college, stopped and started running again in April, I think. When I started back up I couldn't run more than 10 min and now I'm training for a half marathon. Running gives me the energy to get through my day. I have so much more energy on run days and I don't feel like passing out after lunch anymore. I attribute my weight loss more to diet, but my toning is from running. My calves especially look so much more toned.
  • nuttyfamily
    nuttyfamily Posts: 3,394 Member
    I've been running for about 18 months. Never ran in my life before that.

    What has it done for me:

    Eases maintenance of goal weight
    Gained confidence
    More stamina
    Can keep up with my teenagers
    Love races - the camaraderie
    I feel stronger all around physically
    Keeps me sane - love losing myself in a good run with my own thoughts and feelings
  • carynlondon
    carynlondon Posts: 7 Member
    It's helped me lose weight.
    It's given me confidence after my divorce.
    It's given me the chance to meet some really incredible people.
    It's given me the opportunity to see parts of the United States that I never would have seen.
    It's made my relationship with my son stronger.
    It's made me ask myself, "Why not? Why not me?"

    Other than the part of making my relationship with my son stronger, the neatest thing running has done for me is ........

    It's given me the opportunity to showcase 36 half marathon medals on 36 bottles of wine.

    I'm doing half marathons in all 50 states. I buy a bottle of wine made in each state. I'm giving them to my kids when I die. It's going to be an awesome wine tasting party!

    If this would have been posted on Sunday, my numbers would be 37. I'm crossing off VA this weekend. With my son. :heart:

    Amazing idea!
  • sakamanojr
    sakamanojr Posts: 378 Member
    Running has given me a healthy body which has translated into more energy when others are fading, better concentration.
    It has also allowed me to have my own personal STRESS MANAGEMENT relief as I can either forget about things for a little while or work on problems while I have some time on my own.

    Good luck.

    And I also find it be so simple to put on shorts, t-shirt and shoes and I am ready to go. No stress of having to wait for a specific time to start or wait for teammates.
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    Besides helping me to lose weight, it helps to relieve stress and give me a great boost of self esteem to know I can do it. A year ago I couldn't run 1/4 mile, now I can do 4 without stopping (at a decent pace, too).

    Some days I look forward to it, some days I really don't, but any day I run I feel better about it afterwards.