

  • that is wonderful! keep it up hun! :smile:
  • Yeah, your body is in a process of trying to figure out what to do with what. so as long as you continue your work outs and watch what you eat, I mean... you don't have to necessarily "diet" but definitley take into account what you eat on a daily basis and how much because it all amounts to portion control. And like what…
  • I'm in the same boat! lol I over ate as well... and like you... was with family. That tends to happen so easily when you're with people and food... the two go together well but can result badly. I definitley overate especially for breakfast when we went to a restuarant... downed 4 biscuits with eggs, juice, granola, milk,…
  • true they do stick around. but you can reduce the appearance with products like i did, I soooo recommend bio oil or you can go a step ahead and get lazer treatment... but they're tell you to use a prescribed product first before they do the lazers
  • I actually just had ababy this past september of last year and I have a RIVER of strech marks. BUT... I watched USA Today and a professional talked about numerous products, one of which is called Bio Oil. It's an orange colored lightly fragrant oil and all though it can be a bit messy it does WONDERS! Of course, my marks…
  • you're probably either are bored (i would be after sitting for 6 hours), or you're not eatting enough. Speacial K may play off to be a good and healthy cereal but compared to general mills stuff like cheerios or kellogg stuff like rasin bran there really isn't a whole lot of nutritional value in it. Yeah, it gives you…
  • WOW! Congrats! I hope I get a bod like that! :smile:
  • I would definitley count it! I mean, you are being active just in a different way and it does increase your heart rate so yeah... you're burning calories! :-) I'm mean you're obviously not on the couch watching tv, you know? If you put it in the search as cleaning just select the vigorous one and put how long you did it…
  • thank you! that's so kind of you!
  • cool! we live like 3 hrs from there. we pass through everytime we head back home.
  • true it is only 35 calories a wedge but be careful... for one little wedge it's pretty high in sodium. I love laughing cow too though... yum
  • I hear ya! I love chocolate myself
  • Hey everyone, discovered this through someone's ticker on Army Wife Chat. Definiltey looks to be very helpful and I'm excited to finally have some help to reach my goal! I'm originally from Dayton, Ohio but my hubs is military so we live by Ft. Campbell KY now. :happy: