caffeinatedbookworm Member


  • I would love a mentor. I'm 21, used to be extremely fit and active when I was in high school, and all of that totally flew out the window when I went to college. Now I've put on about ~30 pounds since high school I'd like to lose. I'm a major perfectionist, so it is really difficult for me to deal with the fact that I…
  • Coffee is amazing. I drink coffee every single morning. I used to drink it with milk and splenda/stevia, but now I drink it black. I'd say a little bit of almond/organic dairy milk is ok, and stevia if you have to sweeten it. I try not to drink caffeine after 4 so I can fall asleep on time. But there are definitely…
  • We are very similar. I am 20 but we are the same height and, while I don't weigh myself right now, our weights are very close. I started taking birth control when I was 15 and had no issues with food or exercise, and my weight stayed the same. If you are really concerned about this, you can take a non-hormonal one. Your…
  • I am 20 and was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder when I was 14 (though I started showing signs at age 10). I have tried several medications, only one of which (celexa) worked initially, but then tapered off and started to cause suicidal thoughts, so I had to go off it. I have been doing CBT therapy for almost a…
  • YES!!!!!! I've been a die-hard Yankees fan since I was 8 years old!!!! Let's go New York!!!!
  • FROZEN FRUITS AND VEGGIES!!!!! I buy those :). I really only buy fresh of what I use a lot (strawberries, apples, spinach, baby carrots), and then I buy frozen bell pepper/onion mix, frozen broccoli, and frozen raspberries or berry blends (I love them in smoothies). And if you buy something fresh and worry it will go bad,…
  • Yes, you're right, because I only eat breakfast before my workout. Usually no more than ~250 calories (oatmeal with fruit). And I am trying to lose weight so I'm trying to keep my meals to 5x300, thereabouts
  • Hey! I totally empathize with this post, drinking is DEFINITELY my biggest downfall. I would give it up is honestly so hard to be social without getting drunk. But anyways, I usually like beer (from cans/bottles) because of the portion control. Also when I'm at a bar I always order a vodka soda. If it's too bitter…
  • For me when I'm studying, I am usually very jittery and like to eat things that I can munch on. Things that are low in calories but high in volume like popcorn or popchips usually help. Also drinking tea helps me. Good luck!
  • I just want to thank everyone who has replied to this. I have read every single one of your messages and can't thank you enough for the support. Luckily my parents are helping me a lot right now and we are looking into switching my medications and file my anxiety with the disabilities center at my university. I finished a…
  • I mean I was hoping for some more specific ideas than that if possible!
  • I have been here too. I can't seem to find a balance. In 2011 and 2012, I was exercising constantly and not eating enough and had really obsessive eating/exercise habits. Once 2013 rolled around, I knew I had to find a way to live a more realistic life. But that ended up with me not exercising at all, eating lots of crap,…
  • I just went to Trader Joe's yesterday! I got a lot of fresh produce: apples, mushrooms, green scallion onion, spinach, "power to the greens" mix (spinach, kale, other lettuce blends), grapefruit, strawberries (out of season so pricey, but they are my favorite fruit so I buy them year round!), teriyaki marinated tofu, low…
  • My two favorite recipes with tuna: Tuna salad made with Greek yogurt instead of mayo! Just mix 2tbsp Greek yogurt with a can of tuna, and sometimes I like to add celery or scallion onions to it too! Goes well with carrots and hummus on the side :) Salad with spinach, avocado, feta cheese, sliced tomato, and a can of plain…
  • Your kids might like peanut butter banana sandwiches! I'm in college and still eat these all the time :)
  • Bradley Cooper! I am so jealous that I am only 3 years younger than Jennifer Lawrence and she got to make out with him in Silver Linings Playbook :p