New, dedicated, but discouraged!

I am dedicated to changing my life, but an awfully discouraged after weighing myself. I am at an all time high and my body does not want to work out the way I want it to. I have read so many success stories, but I am more interested today in failures. I lost weight 2 years ago but since then have gained it all back plus some. Anyone else in this situation? How did you carry on? What made you feel better about yourself? Please add me and help me talk this out!


  • Joannesmith2818
    Joannesmith2818 Posts: 438 Member
    I lost all of my weights about 3 years ago and put it all bacon on. I new it was coming back...and I new I had to stop eating so much....but I carried on.

    It was pretty depressing getting back on that scale, but something clicked and I never looked back.

    I think finding a sustainable way is the key here. I eat alot of food now and am still making progress, and I know I can keep this up for the long term. Before I sued to starve myself and and so little that there was no way I would stay motivated for a long time.

    Find what works for you, find what you enjoy and do it :)
  • sarahmichel101
    sarahmichel101 Posts: 158 Member
    I lost all of my weights about 3 years ago and put it all bacon on. I new it was coming back...and I new I had to stop eating so much....but I carried on.

    It was pretty depressing getting back on that scale, but something clicked and I never looked back.

    I think finding a sustainable way is the key here. I eat alot of food now and am still making progress, and I know I can keep this up for the long term. Before I sued to starve myself and and so little that there was no way I would stay motivated for a long time.

    Find what works for you, find what you enjoy and do it :)
    Thanks for the advice! I wish I could know what would work, and what I will stick to. I believe I can do anything, but will I always want to?
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    I've been there unfortunately. Wrapping yourself in an active lifestyle is the key long term. For me it's tennis at the moment, but for years it was fitness classes, but also running club, badminton club etc. I think the social aspect helps immensely but when time was an issue I also did years of at home fitness DVDs. But if you are having trouble getting started my advice is to do something nice for yourself first. Go get something fun done with your hair, buy some new clothes, mani pedi, whatever might lift your spirits. When I am active it seems to be easy to eat at a small deficit.
  • caffeinatedbookworm
    I have been here too. I can't seem to find a balance. In 2011 and 2012, I was exercising constantly and not eating enough and had really obsessive eating/exercise habits. Once 2013 rolled around, I knew I had to find a way to live a more realistic life. But that ended up with me not exercising at all, eating lots of crap, and gaining a ton of unneeded weight! Why can't I find the balance? So yeah, I totally understand. I've been trying to get back into the fitness grind for a few months now, but I only seem to be able to last a few days, get discouraged at not seeing results (even non-scale victories like being able to run faster/longer, lift more, etc.) and stop..... which I know it flawed logic! So yeah, I know what you're going through and am here to motivate and support!