

  • I have his problem at work. I see my work, get bored, and run to the break room for snacks. I think I need a new job.... LOL
  • Have them and don't care, I wear a bikini, and have had family and friends comment on them. I figure its better to put it out there and not worry about it, than to try and hide it and feel shamed and emabarrassed over something completely out of my control. It is all about self image! Be proud of what your body provides…
  • My kids don't have many options. They eat what we eat or they don't eat... I know it sounds harsh, but my kids eat salad, veggies and all kinds of clean and healthy meals. The key was to cut out the snack type foods that diminish their tast for good healthful foods. Example, if a child eats a bag of cheetos before dinner…
  • Uh, I think most of the working population... LOL
  • My sentiments exactly! Glad someone else remembered how bad Heba was too! Geeesh... can't they find more strong women like Tara?
  • I self medicate with treats! At the end of a long day, working, taking care of family, working out, etc. I finally sit down in front of the boob tube and snack on chocolate, wine etc. feeling "entitled" to it. I earned it right? :) I have to make deliberate decision to go for the herbal tea instead..... Thanks for calling…
  • Unfortunately, depending upon how bad it is, plastic surgery may be an option to consider. I had a c-section, the small dun-lop pouch, which after 3 years of weight loss, clean eating and 15,000 abs and crunch exercises is still quite visible, and the unsightly stretch marks and scaring will be removed surgically!!!!
  • I work 40 hrs plus 1 hr commute daily. I have a 4 yr old, 6 yr old, part time 13 yr old, and going on 21 yr old. I couldn't work out unless I had total support of my hubby. I had to get very creative with when I worked out, when we planned dinner time, and my sleep. That was the real key, planning healthy meals for us all…
  • Budgeting for mine (both tummy and girls) as we post!!! Go for it!
  • Hi! I'm 5'10" medium build and started 251 now 177. Ultimate goal 160, any less than that I feel too boney and grouchy. This last year I hit the 180 plateau and couldn't figure out how to jump start my last 20 pound weight loss. So, I'm trying this website and go figure, holding myself even more accountable, I droped 3…
  • Most annoying is definitely the loss of my "girls".... Now I am budgeting for enhancements...I wonder how much they will weigh....LOL:laugh: