kellyholmberg Member


  • 35 yr old mom of 2 trying to lose my last 10lbs from the 2nd baby before she turns one on Dec 30. I'm busting my butt right now because it's crunch time. Only 4 weeks left. I'm at 128.5 today and I was 120lbs when I got pregnant. I really just want my favorite jeans to fit again and I'm almost there. Just squeezed into a…
  • I am a super picky eater and I really have to force myself to eat vegetables but I love my brussel sprouts and I don't do anything fancy. I cut the brussel sprouts in half lengthwise then toss with olive oil, salt, and pepper. Put a little olive oil in pan over medium/low heat. Place brussel spouts cut side down in pan and…
  • Everyone is saying it....Run! But even that depends on how fast you are running. I know when I'm dragging I can run pretty slow and a speed walker might pass me by. But when I'm really going fast I burn a ton of calories. I really hate running but it does do the trick. Currently I'm doing crossfit and love it. Not only am…