Make me like Brussel sprouts

Debbiedebbiey Posts: 824 Member
Please ! I see pics of them looking Carmelized - but I don't know how to make them. When I was younger I ate them and liked them but each time I've tried to make them .....yuck ! Anyone have a healthy recipe for them ? I'd love to serve them for thanksgiving if I could get it right !


  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    To caramelize them, you need butter. I still use butter. I refuse to cook with margarine. I just use LESS than what most recipes call for. The trick is to cut them REALLY thin. They should look like paper shreds that went through a paper shredder.
    Heat a skillet(a cast iron will work best, but another kind will work) and melt the butter. Add the sliced brussels sprouts and add salt and pepper. Put heat on medium and continue to cook, stirring occasionally.
    A spice that makes them taste extra wonderful but is unexpected-add a pinch of NUTMEG to them.
  • Debbiedebbiey
    Debbiedebbiey Posts: 824 Member
    Interesting ! Nutmeg would definitely help. Awesome. Thank you.
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    I roast mine with onions!

    I wrote this out a while back, but it's easily modified. You don't need the cheese and you can season how you'd like. I used truffle salt and Herbs de Provence, but you can use regular salt and Italian seasoning (or whatever) just as well. You can also sub the vermouth for lemon juice; just don't use as much. I've gotten die hard sprout haters converted with this dish.
  • kellyholmberg
    kellyholmberg Posts: 3 Member
    I am a super picky eater and I really have to force myself to eat vegetables but I love my brussel sprouts and I don't do anything fancy. I cut the brussel sprouts in half lengthwise then toss with olive oil, salt, and pepper. Put a little olive oil in pan over medium/low heat. Place brussel spouts cut side down in pan and put lid on...cook for about 5-7 mins or until desired tenderness. Then take lid off and turn up the heat to medium.high and cook for another 1-2 minutes to brown the bottoms. I like mine a little crispy. Super healthy bc I didn't use butter and I think it tastes the same.
  • Siege_Tank
    Siege_Tank Posts: 781 Member
    My favorite way to enjoy those epic tiny cabbages is to steam or boil them for 6-8 minutes, depending on their size, and then halve them. I lay them cut side up in a casserole dish and sprinkle on salt and some fresh ground black pepper. Top with some mozzarella or any other kind of cheese and turn on your broiler to melt the cheese. SO good!
  • Changing_Charity
    Changing_Charity Posts: 197 Member
    I buy the Birds Eye Steam Fresh Brussel Sprouts. You just pop the bag in the microwave for a few minutes and bam, they are done! I have never tried caramelizing them before though, that sounds good!
  • LilEmm
    LilEmm Posts: 240
    Slather in olive oil, broil in the oven, take out, sprinkle w/ goat cheese. Yummmmm
  • 33Freya
    33Freya Posts: 468 Member
    Cut brussel sprouts in half. Spray with olive oil (I use a Misto but if you don't have that, use a brush to get the oil on- only use a little) toss with garlic (I use Johnny's Garlic Spread & Seasoning). Place on a foil-covered cookie sheet and broil until nearly burned. SO GOOD!!

    I have taken to adding bell peppers (of all colors) and whole garlic cloves to the mix because the sweet of the peppers go wonderfully with the flavor of the brussel sprouts. Roasted veggies are the BEST. :glasses:
  • ckish
    ckish Posts: 358 Member
    I have an advantium oven which uses a combination of halogen lights and microwaves to carmelize them without oil or butter. Costco sells a table top flavor wave oven for under $70 that uses similiar technology. I sliver baby carrots lenthwise, slice onions, and half or quarter brussel spouts. Add some garlic, lemon pepper, and herb d' provence and microwave/halogen form about 5-7 minutes. Healthy and yummy!
  • Shelgirl001
    Shelgirl001 Posts: 478 Member
    I just steam them in a special microwave pan I got at the local secondhand store for about a dollar ( I do believe it's a Pampered Chef pan). The I add a bit f butter and eat them, either hole or cut in halves, depending on how big they are. I love them, and regular cabbage. :)
  • LMick1986
    So this one was a tough one for me. I remember HATING them as a child. So much so, I attempted to shove them up my nose to avoid having to eat them. I HATED them!! Within the past year, they came back into my life. My roommate would bake them....just drizzle EVOO on top, salt and pepper to taste. I think she'd bake them for a good half hour to 50 minutes (until they started getting dark). I was disgusted by the smell, so I was turned off. Refused to try them. So my friend brought some in that he boiled with bacon or something. Absolutely nasty!! I went home and saw my younger sister just snacking away on some (the baked ones). She's the pickiest eater EVER!! Sooooo....I made myself go try them. YUMMMM!!!! Sooooo good baked. From that point, I started craving them! So I would bake them occasionally (takes too long for my liking). I also tried sauteing them. I cut them in half when I do that. Season however you want! I used garlic sometimes...salt and pepper other times....just mix it up. I LOVE them now! Sorry, long story, but I got super excited that I started liking them!