

  • Apples I find are good. Have a low fat/low cal yogurt with some wheat germ in it to give it some added fiber. Maybe snack on some fruit or veggies, skip the dip.
  • I don't know much about this, interested in learning more so here's a bump
  • Have something to keep you energized before your workout but it is very important you have something after your workout, because that is when your metabolism is at it's highest. Re-fuel your body with carbs, I have heard from a few people that chocolate milk is excellent for after a work out. Remember, you bodys metabolism…
  • I never was a runner, but in grade 12 gym class we ran 5 k twice a week and did weight lifting 3x a week and I just LOVED it! I think it was more of a competitive thing. Once you start running with a group you get to know others standards and you can make goals like "I want to run ahead of so and so". I ran non stop my…
  • I am hovering between 157 to 158, I did weigh 160 after all the valentines day chocolate though! I would say my average weight before I got pregnant and had my son was 135, but I want to get to 125!