rohksie Member


  • @ashadams12 wow 40 lbs! My weight just does not budge, with my first I managed to drop down to 145 but I was seriously eating like a rabbit, it was horrible lol. I have a horrible sweet tooth, it's so bad. I have been fighting it and doing well but I caved last night when I found a mini milky way in an easter egg while I…
  • I'm in!! I think we are done with kids for now, 6yo, 20mo, and a 6mo old. The last 2 were so close together my body just never recovered. I am exclusively breastfeeding so hungry all the time and no breastfeeding did not help me shake the weight. Why can't I be one of those unicorns. Anyway highest weight was 198, dropped…
  • I don't have any advice but were on the same boat! 5 months pp, 5'2", currently at 173 but started at 180 a few weeks ago. This is my #3 and I breastfed my other 2 for a year each and I did not lose zilch. So far I have really stuck to counting calories but who knows its only been about 3 weeks, I've started lifting…
  • Hi! Add me too! I just started up again last week, 5'2" 180, I am exclusively breastfeeding my 5 month old, prior to him I was breastfeeding my now 20 month old. I try to log as best I can and am trying to get more active. Oh man and I have a crazy sweet tooth, really bad :( trying to work on that.