

  • PESTO! for Pasta, Pizza or throw a dollop into soup... Bunch of Fresh Basil, lightly toasted pine nuts, fresh lemon rind, garlic and parmigiano cheese into a food processor, drizzle in some olive oil, cracked black pepper and enjoy.
  • diet soda is POISON. Look at the ingredients. If you are making a commitment to be healthy and want to POISON yourself, its your personal choice. Just make sure you are honest with yourself before making that choice.
    in diet cola Comment by blaze46 June 2012
  • Misconceptions Although most people believe that drinking diet soda leads to weight loss, this is not the case. With only approximately 5 calories per serving, diet soda does not directly contribute excessive calories to the diet; however, the consumption of sweet beverages has been shown to cause an increased desire for…
    in diet cola Comment by blaze46 June 2012
  • Eating consistently throughout the day works best for me. I am rarely hungry and find that I do not suffer from the highs and lows of consuming too much or too little at each meal. I work full time but spend my lunch hour at the gym and eat at my desk. I think you have to find out what works best for you depending on your…
  • Kashi Go-Lean with non fat milk and a banana
    in Cereal Comment by blaze46 April 2012