

  • Hi everyone! I'm 20, just been back on for a couple of weeks. I think a community will be good motivation.
  • I'm gonna weigh myself tomorrow morning. I'm really nervous, but I've been good and worked really hard all week :)
  • Hey, that's the right attitude!! even if you don't lose anything, trying is better than giving up--no matter what! I am afraid to weigh myself because I'm worried that I haven't lost anything either, but I'm working out and eating right and I feel better and better so I know I'm getting healthier regardless of what the…
  • Hi I'm 19... it sounds like we have similar goals. Friend request sent!
  • I need a friend like you :) I'm newish here and don't have a lot of friends
  • Thank you so much!! I am going to throw them away. At first I resisted that idea because I spent money on them, but getting skinny is well worth the $1.80!! :D
  • friend request sent :)
  • Hi!! I am looking for friends, too. Losing weight/dieting with a community is amazing and awesome. 7 lbs in 3 weeks is AWESOME congratulations!!
  • I started yesterday at 150lbs. At healthy, went to the gym and worked hard... feeling really good about these 10lbs in four weeks. I know I'm going to have to work for it, though. Yesterday I bought Twizzlers (kryptonite) and then thought WTF AM I DOING and hid them and did not eat them. Feel pretty proud of myself for…
  • mannnn reading everything you guys are doing makes me think it's gonna be really hard for me to lose that much weight in 4 weeks. I wish I had time to work out every day! I still think I can do it by watching what I eat and working out when I can. :/
    in hey Comment by oneira March 2012
  • Gonna stop eating junk whenever I feel like it :P And now I've got a reason! Goodbye pounds!!
    in hey Comment by oneira March 2012
  • Yo I'm in the same boat. Trying to lose weight but also establish a regular workout routine and just be healthier in general. Been on MFP a few weeks, but on and off.
  • Wow! well you've lost more weight than I have, but I can relate to the routine thing. That's related to your lack of motivation, though. Working out makes you feel good, so the more you do it, the more you will want to. The longer you go without, the more likely you are to forget that working out is not just miserable…