

  • That's 2 awesome NSV's! Congratulations...for the walk, and needing new shorts!
  • I have a work husband! It works well - but I assume that's because away from work, he is friends with my SO and I am with his as well.
  • It's certainly possible..but, it's very difficult. And both people involved have to want it very much! There is no such thing as "lightly committed" when you're in a long distance relationship. Either you're in it, or you're not in it. And if you can't communicate effectively don't even bother! My husband lives more than…
  • exercise so you can eat more!:smile: Sorry!!!! Read it quickly and didnt see the part about you maybe being too busy to exercise! How about a tomato sandwich - with weight watchers bread and a spray on salad dressing?
  • Oh there'd definitely be a big, long chat...and i would want to know a) why they lied. b) what were they doing then? and c) why did they feel they couldn't tell me?
  • That is amazing, you should be so very proud of yourself! I don't even know you and *I'm* proud of you!!!
  • I had headaches, really bad ones that no amount of over the counter drugs would touch...when I stopped drinking pop. I assumed it was my body craving the caffeine. Not sure if that's your circumstance or not...but mine went away after awhile, once my body realized I wasn't giving in...
  • I travel a LOT due to the fact that my husband and I currently have a long distance marriage. When I flew in January, I couldn't fit comfortably into the seat. I've always been smaller on top than on the bottom...AND I'm the smallest of my friend group. So this hit home...and particularly since I had just fown 2 months…
  • I would never ever look through my husband's phone and he would never ever look through mine. It's not that we have super big secrets to hide from each other or anything...it's a respect thing. In our marriage, it's okay to have some things private, and our text messages are just that. private. Do I think I'd find anything…
  • My husband and I are currently in a long distance marriage...he's living the dream and I travel. For the last year, and for the next year, we are apart 2 months, together a minimum of 2 weeks. It's very difficult, but it was a choice we made together as a family. And it's what is best for us in the long run. He's very very…
  • We have a place in the DR and go there several times a year (started out going to all inclusives until we built). I agree with the other posters, you're on holiday, enjoy it. I think you will find that you are eating less ANYWAY, because it's so hot...and because it's hot, the pounds just don't stick. I'm 240 lbs now (just…