constant headaches

Since I've cut down on how much I eat and what kinds of foods I eat I've been having headaches, almost migraines everyday now. Is there a certain reason for this? Pain pills don't help me either. I've tried em all. I used to eat crazy amounts of junk food and fast food (yes I still eat out.)


  • StarryEyed500
    StarryEyed500 Posts: 225 Member
    Could be withdrawl if your body is used to a certain amount of junk. Could also be lack of water - make sure you drink enough. Also, make sure you're eating enough - lack of food can cause headaches.

    I'd also probably check if you have any allergies or intollerances - especially if you're eating foods you previously didn't.
  • Celtic_Queen
    I had headaches, really bad ones that no amount of over the counter drugs would touch...when I stopped drinking pop. I assumed it was my body craving the caffeine. Not sure if that's your circumstance or not...but mine went away after awhile, once my body realized I wasn't giving in...
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    How long ago did you change your eating habits? Are you eating enough? Could be caffeine or sugar withdrawal, neither of which are fun.
  • denveralexis
    denveralexis Posts: 30 Member
    i only changed them about a month and half ago. My family used to eat ridiculous amounts of sodium and junk food. We have a closet dedicated to our junk food. a whole shelf of it. and I haven't touched it in the last month except for once and as soon as I did I felt so guilty but my headache was relieved for about an hour then it came back. Its so painful and non motivating to have these headaches every single day. I try really hard to drink a lot of water but barely ever reach 64oz a day.
  • kleighsamboer
    I have suffered with migraines my whole life. What I found out a couple years ago is that most women are deficient in magnesium. I take 2-4 per day and it has helped tremendously.If you try this make sure it is not magnesium oxide because our bodies doon't take in oxide. Fred Meyer has a great one made by Nature's Way, It has calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D in it which is important because all three work together.
    Also, since I started eating a clean diet I haven't had a migraine which is huge for me! If you really have been staying away from the junk food for 1 1/2 months that would not be the cause. You are probably dehydrated. I know you say you're not thirsty and can barely drink 64oz of water but I am going to tell you that is not enough, especially is you are exercising. Our bodies need water to function and if they aren't getting enough they start to shut down. Try drinking more herbal teas instead of just plain water. That might help. You should also be drinking before and after your workouts. Hope this helps :)
  • lynnsf
    lynnsf Posts: 20 Member
    Caffeine withdrawl causes horrible headaches. It isn't only from coffee, but if you gave up pop too you could have it.
  • denveralexis
    denveralexis Posts: 30 Member
    I have suffered with migraines my whole life. What I found out a couple years ago is that most women are deficient in magnesium. I take 2-4 per day and it has helped tremendously.If you try this make sure it is not magnesium oxide because our bodies doon't take in oxide. Fred Meyer has a great one made by Nature's Way, It has calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D in it which is important because all three work together.
    Also, since I started eating a clean diet I haven't had a migraine which is huge for me! If you really have been staying away from the junk food for 1 1/2 months that would not be the cause. You are probably dehydrated. I know you say you're not thirsty and can barely drink 64oz of water but I am going to tell you that is not enough, especially is you are exercising. Our bodies need water to function and if they aren't getting enough they start to shut down. Try drinking more herbal teas instead of just plain water. That might help. You should also be drinking before and after your workouts. Hope this helps :)

    You're such a great help for me because you always try and help me constructively and just give me advice :) I'll definitely try drinking teas, I try and drink as much as a I can, but half the time I'm just leaving glasses of water around. But I'm trying for more water.
  • grneyedgf
    grneyedgf Posts: 23 Member
    Whenever I have lost weight fast, I get headaches. One reason is that when you lose fat your fat cells release stored toxins. Grapefruit helps your body release the toxins. WATER is a must!!! I cannot take pain medication and this is what helped me with my headaches.
  • hk2008
    hk2008 Posts: 49 Member
    i am very prone to headaches and for me, most of the time it's because i haven't had enough water. At first it can be hard to drink enough but after a while your body will feel better and crave it. Best of luck and I hope you are able to get some relief soon. I know they can be debilitating.