feefifoefum Member


  • Thanks all for your replies. I weigh weekly at class - ditched the scales back in Jan as I am a "Hopper". Must try to get my head back as I am happy to have lost the weight so far and I am doing this for the long term. Minds are so tricky to deal with. I cut back yesterday all day until evening- 9pm and then I went stupid…
  • Thank you to everyone of you for your replies and support. I will keep going and remembering I am doing it for myself and if others notice take it as a bonus. Good luck on your journeys x
  • All the news in the press and on tv about obese people eating cheap junk food and generally being of a lower social class. This made me mad - I am obese because I love GOOD food. I don't eat take aways very often but I did eat too much of the good stuff so that is why I have got to where I am! I also (this is MY personal…