If you mean no app, you are probably right. If you mean no calories burned that's actually not true. I have found several reputable sites that measure calories burned by the hour. One hour riding = 300 calories One Hour with a pull cart - 425 calories one hour walking = 475 calories.
So far all the ideas given are very good. I used this program once before about 4 years ago and it worked then. I lost 60 lbs. I got away from it for reasons not the fault of the app but have now been back for 120 days and have lost almost 30 lbs. The key is to not do what others do, find what works for you. For me, it was…
With all due respect to this message title, based on the data it is currently wholly inaccurate. He has not to this point ever said anything but that he is innocent. He has been the subject of an intense investigation based on nothing but hearsay evidence for well over 13 years. During that time, he was tested based on the…
You know she's dumb? really? How is that? Have you met her? Talked to her? She has opened several very successful businesses so she will be set for life even if her current fame ends tomorrow. In the meantime she has braded herself with an image that if making her money hand over fist. Sure, she certainly gets help from…
This is my first ever post here. But I have to say, anyone who thinks that picture of Kim suggests she is fat is just plain jealous or/and has no idea how cameraas affect your appearance. Kim is 5' 2". She does have curves (nice ones if you ask me). That hardly makes her fat. If you saw her in person you would be amazed at…