

  • Feel free to add me, too. I'm 5'7 and hoping to get to 165 or so. I struggle with working out, so decided just to "move more" which is easy now that I'm working. I try to log in every day and am trying to do a better job with logging my food as well. My son graduates the end of the month, so I'm pretty motivated right now…
  • My boyfriend is a bit shorter than I am, but he loves it when I wear heels, the higher the better.... so he can snuggle with "the girls".
  • I love the bracelet idea! I really need to do something like that. My goals are to get back on track with logging and exercising so that I can be proud to take pictures with my son who graduates on May 25th!!!! I would love to lose 10 more pounds by then but with tie dye season starting and working another part time job,…
  • I'm new to the group and going on 2 weeks on MFP, I "started" at 214, this was an afternoon weight with clothes, then switched to weighing in the morning before showering to get a more even reading. So far I'm down 12-13 lbs! I would love to drop another 10 before April 1st. Looking forward to my son's HS graduation in May…