What's YOUR May goal(s)?

Hi all! I was sitting here thinking about starting this brand new month of healthy eating and weight loss and decided I need some May goals. So I thought I'd start a "May Goal" thread (sorry if there is another like this out there - didn't have a lot of time to look). I find having short term goals keep me motivated day to day. So here are my May goals.

#1 Goal for May (and the most important): DRINK MORE WATER. I'm going to use a strategy I heard yesterday on TV that I LOVE. I'm going to get some sort of bracelet (He suggested rubber bands but I want something a little more fashionable) and each bracelet represents a certain amount of water. I'm going to start out with 5 bands/bracelets and each band is 20 ounces of water. Every time I drink 20 ounces I move the bracelet from my left wrist to my right wrist. Hopefully this will keep me more aware of the amount of water I'm drinking! I tend forget to drink water sometimes.

#2 I also hope to continue to kick up my exercising a notch. I used to exercise 2-3 days a week. I'm hoping this month to exercise at least 4 days a week for 30 minutes. I'm really coming a long way with exercising. It used to be a chore for me and now it's really not so bad.

#3 I want to continue to educate myself. I've found that I've really gotten more into the experience the more aware I am of nutrition and exercise. At first I just wanted someone to tell me what to do and how to do it. Now I'm starting to really enjoy learning. Knowledge is power! If anyone has any suggestions on articles, websites or books to read let me know!

SO, what are YOUR goals?? Respond to my thread and add me as a friend so we can keep each other up to date!


  • coolteenager101
    coolteenager101 Posts: 65 Member
    To lose 10 lbs
  • Rayjewls
    Rayjewls Posts: 96 Member
    My goal is to lose my last 8.8 pounds and I will be in 'one'derland...aiming for 160 by october. That would be great!!! Good luck with everyones goals this month!!!
    Youtube...divaslimsdown. Look her up...very inspiring. She's also
    On mfp.
  • BelindaDuvessa
    BelindaDuvessa Posts: 1,014 Member
    To continue to watch my calorie intake.
    To exercise on all of my days off.

    That's pretty much it right now. Baby steps.
  • DesignGuy
    DesignGuy Posts: 457 Member
    Simple for me. Keep doing what I've been doing over past couple of weeks. And as a result, I'd love to see 10-12 pounds lost.
  • bfhayes
    bfhayes Posts: 13
    My goals are to exercise more often and more intensely and to lose 5 pounds. I need summer to be my saving grace before I go back to my old university in the fall!
  • douladanielle34
    I love the bracelet idea! I really need to do something like that. My goals are to get back on track with logging and exercising so that I can be proud to take pictures with my son who graduates on May 25th!!!! I would love to lose 10 more pounds by then but with tie dye season starting and working another part time job, I'm not gonna stress about it!