Nanettegallen Member


  • Hi, I'm new as of tonight. I'm 74 years old with a damaged spinal cord, so mostly exercise is not available for me. However, because of that and a bit of depression, I've gained a terrible amount of weight over the last few years. I'm anxious now to take those pounds off!
  • I'm so happy to see a place for us elders! I'm 72, and was thin & active for most of my life. About 20 years ago I began to stumble a bit, and walking became more difficult, and I started to put on weight. I now know that the walking problem is due to a progressive spinal cord disease, and can't do much about that, but I…
  • I'm Nanette, in the Pacific Northwest, not far from Portland, Oregon. I'm 72 and seriously trying to lose weight, have tried before to no avail. Is there a place I can join this discussion group? I'm fairly new to MyFitnessPal, but hope it's going to work for me. My weight all came on in the last 15 to 20 years, following…
  • I note not many people posting lately, so I hope to see some soon. I'm a 72 year old woman, wanting to lose a huge amount of weight that I've gained since retiring. I have a physical problem (spinal cord deterioration) that is keeping me from activities, but am now going to try to do something about the weight. I'm just…