Welcome, Welcome! Please introduce yourself



  • Nanettegallen
    Nanettegallen Posts: 4 Member
    I note not many people posting lately, so I hope to see some soon. I'm a 72 year old woman, wanting to lose a huge amount of weight that I've gained since retiring. I have a physical problem (spinal cord deterioration) that is keeping me from activities, but am now going to try to do something about the weight. I'm just tired of being FAT!
  • steppingstones
    steppingstones Posts: 569 Member
    I know the feeling!!! Retirement is great but there are so many more free hours in the day to do damage :wink: . I think you are right this site has been underused lately. Many of the gals have dropped out and those that are left seem to have found friends and communicate on the home page. Maybe you are the catalyst to start this up again.

    Best of luck and keep trying.:flowerforyou:
  • huntndox
    huntndox Posts: 33 Member
    Hi, I'm Carol and I live in Colorado. I've been heavy on my life and for some reason now at the ripe old age of 66 I decided to seriously do something about it. I've been using this site for my month and a half now and I'm down 12 pounds, which makes me really happy. But the same time I now seem to be stuck in the spot where weight the same for at least the last two weeks. I'm really ready for things to change and wait to start dropping again. I have found MFP to be so supportive with all the people who are willing to help and encourage and be your friend. I'm willing to do the same thing for others I keep an open diary which I think helps me to stay honest. I also learn a lot by looking at other peoples diaries as well I'm glad I found this group and I think it can be a good spot for me and for others so thanks for having me. I log on every day and I'm going to be a very active supportive friend.

  • Kathryn41057
    Kathryn41057 Posts: 181 Member
    Good Morning.... I'm Kat, and I live in New Brunswick, Canada. I have been heavy off and on for the last 40 years. I figured that it's about time that I got my s*** together. I have been a memeber of MFP for a couple of years, but have only done a 1/2 assed job with it. I'm wanting to change that. I'm not 60 yet, but I am closer to 60 than 55. My husband tells me that I look great, but, I don't feel great....you know what I mean? My feet hurt when I get out of bed in the morning, and I have lots of aches...

    I'm 5'9" @200 lbs. I know I will never look like a model, but I want to feel comfortable in my skin. I like knowing that there are other people out there like me. Some older, some younger. I feel that as we get older, losing weight gets a bit harder.

    I want to be a "Work in Progress"... :)
    My diary is open... Have at it..
  • Nanettegallen
    Nanettegallen Posts: 4 Member
    I'm Nanette, in the Pacific Northwest, not far from Portland, Oregon. I'm 72 and seriously trying to lose weight, have tried before to no avail. Is there a place I can join this discussion group? I'm fairly new to MyFitnessPal, but hope it's going to work for me.
    My weight all came on in the last 15 to 20 years, following a spinal cord condition that kept me from hiking, walking, camping, all the things that apparently were keeping me slim.
    I don't so much care what I'd look like at a thinner weight, but am looking for more energy, more ambition to do things.
  • steppingstones
    steppingstones Posts: 569 Member
    Welcome and Merry Christmas , Nanette. Good luck in your journey. I have been erratic in my logging in lately but as soon as I get through the holiday and house guests, I will get back on the ball. And I will join you and the other members of this group.

    Happy New Year.:flowerforyou: You can do it.
  • Hi I am Wren Eileen
    I am 60 soon to be 61 I m trying to fit in with older people who want to lose weight and feel healthy..
    I won't go into much now due to I am not sure if I am wanted ..
    For now I will leave it as this.. * short and sweet
    Have to say at the moment I have a tendon issue in my foot that cause me to not do the work outs or walking as
    I love to do..
  • Hi and welcome to Healthy Lifestyle...
  • Hi I am new and looking for older people to work with on losing weight..
    Not sure anyone is really here so I will come back later to check ..
  • HI are you here
  • hi Its Jan 24th now and I was hoping for some help with losing weight even one person would be nice to see here.
  • Nanettegallen
    Nanettegallen Posts: 4 Member
    I'm so happy to see a place for us elders! I'm 72, and was thin & active for most of my life. About 20 years ago I began to stumble a bit, and walking became more difficult, and I started to put on weight. I now know that the walking problem is due to a progressive spinal cord disease, and can't do much about that, but I sure can lose this weight. I find that just by keeping track of what I eat, and signing in every day, I'm very slowly losing weight. About a pound a week. Exercise is difficult, but I'm going to be working with a physical therapist soon, and I'm in hopes she can help me find things I can do.
    I'm loving this website! Thank you all just for being here.
  • steppingstones
    steppingstones Posts: 569 Member
    Glad you are getting help from a physical therapist. I have done the same and have lots of exercises that help my back issues.
    Good luck. Not too many are using this group site , at the moment. It used to be a very active group but I think most found some friends and communicate on their home page. or left.

    Good luck with your journey.
  • Nanettegallen
    Nanettegallen Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I'm new as of tonight. I'm 74 years old with a damaged spinal cord, so mostly exercise is not available for me. However, because of that and a bit of depression, I've gained a terrible amount of weight over the last few years. I'm anxious now to take those pounds off!
  • pinkseahorse
    pinkseahorse Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone, new to this group, reach 70 in May, OMG!
    Having some health problems, not weight related but need some weight off, weighing in at 84k today, shocked!
  • katlovers2
    katlovers2 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi my name is Jean and I will be 62 in two weeks. I need to lose at least 52 pounds and it is so hard to do so it would be nice to be able to have friends in the same boat I am in. I never was able to have children but have had cats. Right now I have two one named IPod who is 6 years old and then there is Snickers who is 4 years old. They keep me going and there is never a dull moment in our house. Anyway, hoping to make some friends along the way. Good Luck to all on their journey.

  • homechickennoodle
    homechickennoodle Posts: 2 Member
    Hi ya'll from this Texas gal. Glad to find a 60 + group to read and post with. The age does make a difference in energy ...or lack thereof at end of the day :) I still work full time and will turn 65 in Dec. I am not an exercise person...losing my weight through MFP so I know what calories are consumed daily (yes even on bad days). Been with program about 2.5 months and have lost 18 lbs. It's slow but I don't feel deprived of what I choose to eat each day. I plan each day including desserts...Chick Filet ice cream is my favorite. I order a small cup and have it filled only 1/2 way....best 145 calories there is ...lol My intake is 1300-1350 cal per day. good luck with all your journeys....one day at a time is how I do it.
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,629 Member
    Hi, I just found this group through reading some discussions. I'm 62. I lost 22lbs so far since june & need to lose 28 more lbs. I have 5 dogs (love dogs) & take them out every morning & some evenings. I go to the gym & volunteer at our animal rescue. I worked at a hospital for 15 yrs but got laid off along with 75 others & don't want to work anymore. I started collecting social security in August. I'm married for 44yrs & have 4 grown children with families of their own. I never thought i could lose weight due to my age but this really works. I'm happy
  • katlovers2
    katlovers2 Posts: 29 Member
    If anyone wants to add me as a friend please do. I am not doing so well on losing weight.
  • rileytink
    rileytink Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. My name is Lynn and I'm new to this group. I'm 69 and my goal is to lose 25 pounds. I want to get my blood pressure down and get off the medicine I'm on. I'm hoping this group will be my support system and that we will all be successful in our goals.