lisasudduth Member


  • I'd look for a group if you are worried. it's more fun in numbers. When I'm running by myself I make sure if I have music, I don't wear my headset and keep it quiet so that I can be aware of people around me.
  • I've completed 2 sprint tri's a handful of 1/2 marathons and 2 fulls. I'm do this all at a snails pace but I'm ok with that. I do have a hard time trying to loose weight when I'm training though because I'm hungry and crave the bad foods. I'm really trying to watch the protein and make sure that I'm getting enough calories…
  • I'm a drum corps member too!!! Oh wait you know that though :) heheheee Nice to see some other folks on here!!! I'm super tracking right now on here with the focus of not only keeping the fitness level I've gained over the summer but loosing and trimming up during the "off season"!
  • I've signed up for the Mermaid sprint in Alameda CA in June. I may look at doing a longer distance tri later in the year but I don't have a bunch of training time. I'm marching in a drum and bugle corps so my weekends are pretty busy. The good thing is that both activities are very physical so it helps to train for both at…