Runners: When is the safest time of day to run?

Hi everyone,

I was wondering what time of day do you feel safest to go outside and run? In the early mornings or in the evenings? (I don't have the afternoon as an option, plus it's hot). I have a bit of an anxiety issue (that's an understatement), but I really want to start an outdoor running program. Are there any precautions you would take or advice you would give? Thanks!


  • athenasurrenders
    athenasurrenders Posts: 278 Member
    I suppose that depends where you live, and what you are worried about (attackers, traffic, animals etc).

    I run early morning always. If it's dark I stick to places with nearby houses and streetlights, and wear something reflective. I live on a quiet-ish housing estate and feel pretty safe.

    Is joining a running club or group session an option? Safety in numbers?
  • kathrynm4
    kathrynm4 Posts: 21 Member

    I love running, my best advice is to join a running club. Many clubs cater for different abilities and it's a good way of meeting people with similar interests and building motivation.

    I enjoy running on my own also, my dog usually comes with me which I guess helps me feel safe. If you are on your own, make sure that you always bring your mobile phone with you, that you keep to well lit areas and that there are people around. Early mornings/early evenings are both a good time just depends on your own preference.

    Good luck ]

    Kate :smile:
  • kcragg
    kcragg Posts: 239 Member
    I find early mornings are the best time, I hardly ever see anyone else about but I do live in a rural location. Always take your phone with you and don't listen to music so that you are aware of what is going on around you.

    Good luck
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Depends where you live? A city will be different to a village. Also safe from what? I live in a rural area so my only worries are dark mornings or evenings and being seen by idiot drivers. If you're worried about personal safety I would suggest finding a running partner
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    Your question is too vague to give an answer to. It will all depend on where you live, whether you're worried about people or animals, and when do you generally feel is the safest time to go running.

    Me? I would feel safe running anywhere at anytime.
  • celadontea
    celadontea Posts: 335 Member
    I live in the Suburbs. Worried about other people and in the night there are coyotes. Thanks for the advice.
  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member
    I'd suggest carrying pepper spray if you're worried. I used to run in a park behind my house, but it's been pitch black out when I get up at 4:15 to run so I've started running on sidewalks next to fairly busy roads, then even if I'm in a section without many streetlights, I have random cars driving by and use their headlights to see.
  • lisasudduth
    lisasudduth Posts: 4 Member
    I'd look for a group if you are worried. it's more fun in numbers. When I'm running by myself I make sure if I have music, I don't wear my headset and keep it quiet so that I can be aware of people around me.