

  • thanks to everyone for all the feedback--totally forgot i even posted this! it was so nice to come back and see so many supportive messages. with all this in mind, i'll definitely be: 1. slowing down how quickly i eat 2. logging EVERYTHING... been already trying to do this but haven't been perfect 3. pre-logging my meals…
  • thanks so much--these suggestions are great!
  • Sounds like you're making alot of positive differences. Focus on CONSISTENCY for now. If in a few months, you need to push yourself more, it'll be easier then. Worry about it when the time comes. :)
  • it's ok hun! this HAPPENS. as long as you learn from your mistakes there's nothing to feel like cry about. and it's highly unlikely anyone will be able to easily notice a 7-8 pound gain. so, look back at what happened. what exactly went wrong? what triggered you to fall back into your same old patterns? think on that for…
  • You'll feel better once you start running :) Sometimes the hardest part is getting your butt out the door.