done with this stupid roller coaster

start stop start stop up down up down. ever since we got ready to move over a month ago I have fallen out of my exercise routine and stopped eating right. I was 5 lbs from my goal weight at (130) and now im back up to 143!!!! I am so unbelievable disappointed in myself. I looked at myself in the mirror this morning after i weighed and had a stern talking to. i feel like crying. i am tired all the time, even coffee doesn't do me any good. i have a horrible mood all the time. i just feel like s-h-i-t. i feel like people can see those 7-8 lbs i have put back on. i need some help, encouragement, something. please.


  • atsyed87
    it's ok hun! this HAPPENS. as long as you learn from your mistakes there's nothing to feel like cry about. and it's highly unlikely anyone will be able to easily notice a 7-8 pound gain.

    so, look back at what happened. what exactly went wrong? what triggered you to fall back into your same old patterns? think on that for awhile and come up with a new plan of attack. that's the best thing you can do... worst thing you can do is give up.

    you're being too hard on yourself. relax, listen to your body, and try try again. :)
  • arellolson
    arellolson Posts: 129 Member
    You have to get back up on that horse! Don't be so hard on your self. Life can be difficult and the stress of moving can side swipe anyone! When you are ready, you will have to get back up and start again! There is no shame in that! It will make you even stronger the next time. I have started and stopped for years! I just decided one day, that it did not matter if I kept stopping as long as I started again. And you have a lot of support here! Get back up on that horse! :flowerforyou:
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    If youre five pounds from goal weight, its time to retire the scale and switch to the measuring tape and calipers, cause those will continue to change long long long after you hit any weight.
  • famlyluv
    famlyluv Posts: 206 Member
    thanks for your kind words everyone! i just killed a 40 min Tae Bo dvd and sweating like crazy. i love sweating haha...lets me know im burning!! thanks again!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Kellybeth16
    Don't worry girlie, it happens to all of us! You'll get back to it in no time! In the meantime, use all of us as motivation, and if you need somebody to talk to, I'm always here! Hang in there! :)