ddino Member


  • If you're feeling full and bloated, I'd change your diet. Stop with the cuppa soups and TV dinners, they've got a lot of processed stuff in them, and you might have an issue with them. I know gluten-free is all the rage, but I would honestly suggest getting off the wheat from those two meals for about 3 weeks or so and see…
  • I don't eat what I want every day, no. I eat as much as I can within the calories I'm given, enough to continue to lose weight. I do try to plan around some things, if I know I'm going out to eat or have some wine that night, I'll eat less so that it fits into my day's calories. But so long as I'm in lose mode, I know I…
  • Add me as well! :) FT working mom of 4 kids, always struggling to find time to work out (without neglecting them) and also find ways to have us eat healthy as a family (and have them actually EAT the food!). Diary's open, and I'd love to get new ideas.
  • The chinese buffet I had today at lunch. I can't even begin to add up the calories so I'll guess it was at least 1,000. I'm overfull, bloated, and it wasn't even THAT good! I'll probably get flamed for this, but sometimes I truly wish I were able to make myself vomit when I do something like this. Fortunately, it's rare.
  • I had to stop buying stuff I like. I have NO WILLPOWER when it comes to cookies, chips, or cake. So if I get that stuff for the kids, I pick out something I don't like but they do! I keep bags of Dove dark chocolate minis in my freezer and usually have 2-4 each evening to get my sweet fix. I generally don't like dark…
    in Sweets Comment by ddino April 2014
  • We try to eat "clean"... though it's probably not as clean as some.. maybe 80/20. Our goal is to try and reduce the amount of man-made additives in the food we eat. We are also pescetarians (?? We eat fish/seafood but not other meat). We want to eat food as close to how it came out of the ground (or off the tree or out of…
  • Office worker with 4 kids here, and I pack my lunch every morning. I usually bring the same thing(s). I use a 3-section container for portion sizing. This is what I generally make (and it takes about 10-15 minutes in the morning, but of course could be done at night). I don't eat beef or poultry, and I try to steer clear…
  • My Whys: I'm tired of feeling invisible and overly self-conscious. It might be because of my self-consciousness that I feel invisible, but I feel like I'm overlooked and not taken seriously at work. I want to know that I'm attractive to my husband. Even if he says I am, I feel unattractive, and I am very aware that if I'm…
  • I'm a 1200 calorie eater, have been for about 3 months. Feel free to add me. :)
  • I eat chocolate. Dove dark chocolate mini squares that I keep in the freezer. If they're frozen, I can't just chomp through them, I have to basically keep them in my mouth as they melt. It works really good for me to get a good fill of it. I usually only have 2 or 3 and it's right around 100ish calories for those.
  • I use this, just because it makes it idiot-proof to portion size. http://www.easylunchboxes.com/products/order_now.htm
  • I hardly have any pictures of myself with my kids from the past 5 years. I'm afraid when I'm gone my kids will miss that, but I'm not photogenic in the first place, and when you add 40+ lbs on to my frame, it's even worse. I want to be able to look back at my life, and have my kids look back at our lives, and not cringe.