

  • Too much sugar is not a good thing. Splenda is the closest taste to sugar that I can find. There are diet sodas made with splenda, doesnt taste the same as a regular. Once I started cutting back on added sugar, i dont really miss it that much. Im a type 2 diabetic. So i try to watch what i eat overall but drastically cut…
  • I tried weight watchers as well. Spent roughly $112 to join(group discount through work) i had a lot of points that i could never meet due to wieght, height, exercise. I lost 5 pounds. I know others who have lost more but once they quit counting points they put it right back on. Since starting MFP I have lost a total of 22…
  • think of the shape of an hourglass, bigger on top, skinny in the waist and bigger in the hips/butt thigh area. a pear is more skinny at the top and heavier from the waist down. then again its all in the eye of the person doing the looking too.
  • yep im still a harry potter fan and have recently started reading the hunger games series as well.
  • you also need to keep in mind, if you are toning up and gaining more muscle mass than you had before the training that muscle is actually heavier than fat and could contribute to the weight gain as well.
  • I have been a nurse for 18 years Lpn working mainly 3rd and 2nd shift. If you need any moral support or any ideas i will be glad to help out. I dont have a husband or a child but with a nursing work schedule it makes a little harder to stay on track but it can be done and YOU WILL do it and reach your goals.
  • find out what your company policy is and if needed and you have personal physician tell them what is going on and maybe they can write a medical note in case the company tries something again. You have to have water and a way to eliminate it. not everyone has a bladder the size of an elephant. as for the lunches, tell your…
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