najv Member


  • I work in the medical field. I see patients who do not have insurance. Are you eligible for medical assistance? Many times, if you present to a clinic stating that you don't have insurance, they have resources to assist with payment and ways to ensure you get the care you need presently and going forward. Anxiety can be…
    in Anxiety!! Comment by najv August 2012
  • Agreed! Didn't he promote Raspberry Keytones too?! I've tried enough of these products to know it all comes back to eating right and exercise. Dang!
  • Hi! I think you're absolutely right on all counts! Toddlers, stress, lack of sleep! And, moreso is the type of carb AND not eating enough! That's how I lost weight with JC was when I realized that I wasn't eating enough and what I was eating was stalling weight loss. So, my husband and I recently began to read about the…