

  • YES. I gained 15 pounds over the winter. I have had bronchitis for months and have just been lying around and fixing comfort food. Back on the wagon starting today and realizing that with warm weather, gardening, fresh veggies and fruits of the season I will get rid of the winter weight!
  • You are doing amazing and look incredible! What a great inspiration to others! I don't think I would have ever done my first chin-up without you! I am looking forward to doing as many as you one day :)
  • So proud of you :) You look amazing!
  • Congratulations on your newest family member! Walk (a bunch!), baby yoga, and strength exercises. I did a lot of lunges and stretching while holding my wee one. There are some great videos on youtube, just search baby exercise. Good luck!
  • Hello! Congratulations on your babies and good luck with your weight loss! I too am a breasfeeding gainer and am just now starting to shed the pounds now that my little one is 9 months old. Still breastfeeding and the body is refusing to lose the last 10 pounds. One day...
    in Hello! Comment by DuchessVB June 2012
  • I log breastfeeding under my exercises and guessed the ounces which burn 20 calories an ounce, then counted the ounces as minutes. For instance breastfeeding - 20 ounces, logged exercise breastfeeding as 20 "minutes" at 20 calories/minute = 400 calories burned.
  • Congratulations!! I had trouble with supply and doc put me on a high calorie diet which helped but then I gain back almost all of my pregnancy weight!! Booo, but breastfeeding is worth it! Fenugreek capsules and oatmeal also seemed to help. When my wee one turned 7 months I backed off of the high calorie diet and am now…
  • Love it!