

  • Awesome! You are amazing!
  • I'm in the same boat. 44. Surgical menopause. No HRT due to medical reasons. Had the hst three months ago and gaining weight like mad. So here I am. Starting my journey.
  • I had a total hyst with ovaries removed. Can't take HRT either and I avoid estrogenic foods like soy for the same health reasons. My hot flashes were unbearable and I couldn't sleep for more than 2 hours at a time and then I tried acupuncture. Now I just have normal flashes two or three times a day. It saved me!
  • Hi all. Three months ago I had a total hysterectomy and my ovaries removed. I can't take HRT due to medical issues. I'm beyond shocked at how much surgical menopause has changed my whole self. I wonder how differently I would feel if I could take HRT. I do know that acupuncture has really saved me. I was having detox-like…
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